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"Cyprien." I spoke through my teeth as I grabbed both his arms. "I thought I told you to stay quiet."

"Who's this?" My aunt lowered the glasses off her eyes as she curiously watched Jimin.

"Aunt Maria, this is Jimin." I tried to lighten up the tension filled room. "Jimin, this is my aunt."

Jimin reached for her hand. "It's nice to meet y— ouch." He hissed when I slapped his arm.

"We don't do that here." I whispered loud enough for him to hear me.

"You could've told me that before." Jimin glared at me before staring up at my aunt as she cleared her throat.

"So Jimin." She circled around him. "Can you tell me why you're in my home?"

"Well—" He paused to think of a reason.

"He's from Mars University." I chimed in.

"I asked him." My aunt lowered her brows.

"Uh, I'm from Mars University, just like she said a second ago." Jimin quietly mumbled.

"Really?" She pursed her lips. "—and what do you study there?"

Jimin nearly choked, covering his hand over his mouth as he turned to me with a cautious look.

"I study—uh Uranus." He bit his bottom lip.

"Uranus?" She placed her hand on her hip.

"Made you say your anus." Jimin snorted under his breath. "Uh, anyways, we do all sorts of studies on Uranus and it's wonderful people."

"Uranus has been deserted for over two million years." My aunt lowered her brows.

"I guess you're right." Jimin looked over his shoulder, and I gave him a disgusted look.

"Jimin was actually gonna stay here for a couple nights, i-if that's okay with you." I stuttered.

"Don't you have a home?" She glanced at him.

"He lives in a space ship!" Cyprien mumbled, before I shoved him to the side.

I scrunched my nose as I heard him crash into a couple things. "Anyways." I returned with a smile.

"My parents were in a deadly space crash and I've been having trouble with paying for my classes at Mars University. I've only got a couple one dollar bills left." Jimin opened his wallet.

"What is that?" She narrowed her eyes as he held the green paper in his hands.

I tried to secretly nudge him in the ribs, but he was too busy bragging about his green piece of paper.

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