The Night Of Hell

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"Get up you dumb bitch," I was woken up from my slumber yet again. I wanted to pretend to be asleep but I knew if I did I would get in more trouble I opened my eyes to see him standing in front of me. He pulled my hair signaling me to get up off of the floor, I took my time getting up still sore from my last encounter of him. "Let's see if you want to behave this time," He pulled me into the other room covering my face with the blindfold. This was a usual Situation and at this point, I am numb to it. I felt him put his hands on my breast they were rough and cold I felt so gross every time this happened but it was my life and I had to face it. "For someone with such a big mouth you sure to have an incredible body its a shame I have to ruin it," he pulled my torn up clothes from my body.

I could hear the rain falling down outside, the ground I was laying on was cold and wet I tried pulling on the cuffs but the man slapped me and continued to rip my clothes off. This had been my life for the past 6 months. He would do what he wanted to me then throw me in another room where I would sit for the next 3 days. I knew if I stayed quiet he wouldn't go as hard on me as he use to. I felt him enter me roughly and my body tare apart, I wanted to scream but my body was too tired. I got fed 1 meal a week and it was slop he got out of the trash. I let him do as he pleased, it only took a few minutes for him to finish. He untied me and picked me up gently it was the first time in 6 months he treated me carefully. "Alright, I am going to let you go but if you tell anyone about what happened. I will kill you and your family, oh wait your family thinks your dead," He sat me in a chair and let my feet go.

"I am untied your feet if you try to run before I tell you I will shoot you on the spot," He disappeared for a few minutes before I heard him walk back into the room. "Change of plans you are going to go with a couple of buddies of mine. If you give them one problem you are dead, you thought I was hard on you Princess your life is about to become a living hell," I heard him laugh and walk out of the room. I was left alone again I had no sense of time but I could tell I was there for a while. I heard several people walk into the room, I felt one of them put his hand on my leg I wanted to flinch away but I knew the man was not lying. "Well, he was not lying when he said she was a beaut. I wanna know if she can speak now," One of them said as they began to pull the blindfold from my eyes.

Their hands were colder than the other man's, it felt as if the devil himself had come up and decided to touch me. There was a little bit of hesitation and debate they kept telling each other for them to leave the blindfold on. One of them said something about the plan and everything changed suddenly there were several hands-on me holding me down as the other person began to take my blindfold off.

I couldn't tell what was in front of me but I could see 6 shadows in front of me. They were all very tall and very muscular. "Take a photo of her, we will need it for stock give clients a preview of what's to come," There was a bright flash in front of me I assumed it was a camera light. It only took a few seconds before they covered my eyes again. One of the grabbed my shirt signaling me to stand up. "What did he mean she was a back talker she hasn't said a word," They walked me forward before the other guy spoke. "Maybe he wore her out I will give her a break before I break her in," they both laughed and walked me outside. I could feel the rain on my skin and it was the best feeling in the whole world. I was thrown in a van and I could hear the others get in behind me. We drove what felt like forever before we stopped, I could hear them whispering in the front of the van. After it settled down I heard them open the van door again and someone grab my foot.

The cement was dry which left me very confused it is raining outside why is the concrete dry. Before I had any more time to think I felt someone put something over my mouth. I passed out within seconds, when I woke up it was dark I could hear the sounds of horns from outside of wherever I was. I couldn't remember anything, I was scared I had no clue where I was or who I am. It was a little while longer before I felt it move. I felt around the room was small and wooden it didn't have anything in it that's when I realized I was in a box. I wanted to scream and make noise but my voice was gone and my hands were weak. I felt the box drop and other things drop around it. I laid in that box for what seemed like an eternity before I felt it move again. I decided I would wait to see what would happen to me.

After a while, I heard beeping and the sound of a convarerbeIt I fell asleep within seconds. When I woke up everything was silent there was nothing happening. I felt someone moving the box and sliding it across the room a few minutes later I heard two people walk in. "Happy birthday buddy I got something I know you have wanted for a long time. I would love to see you open it but I have to get back to Kensi tell me what you think of it okay." I heard the sounds of them high fiving and the other person walking out. A few seconds later I could someone opening the box, I felt my heart begin to race. I had no idea what I was about to face a few seconds later the box was open and I was face to face with him.......

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