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  Hey guys! It's Everlasting Trash, your ordinary Capricorn Sun, Capricorn Moon and Scorpio Rising. As an astrology geek, I had to write this story, so here we are! 

  Here's something you have to know: this story is set in another dimension where humans from our dimension are fireflies. The zodiacs were originally cast down to our dimension, but they were kidnapped because of the prophecy in the prologue and taken to the other dimension, which is also the Earth but separated into two countries only, Fortitudo and Imperium. There is a legend behind how that happened.

  Anyway, I know I put them in the description but I felt like it would be better to throw in the genders of the twelve zodiacs as well as a short paragraph about their personality. There won't be any face claims because:

(1) I've seen people disagreeing on the appearances of the signs in other zodiac stories and I don't want that to happen;

(2) I suck at finding images for face claims; and 

(3) For some unknown reason, I feel like face claims are kinda awkward, like if you put a Justin Bieber image for Cancer even though the singer is a Pisces. 

However, I might change my mind someday and actually put some face claims.

  With that out of the way, let's get on with this story. Onto the next chapter!

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(If you read my other stories and wonder why I haven't posted, it's because I've been sick the past few days. I only posted today because this part was written before. Sorry for not posting and let's hope I get well soon!)

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