Characters & More Random Crap

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Here's the table as a reference while reading the story so that you don't have to scroll all the way down when you forget the genders or other info:

Sign - Gender - Best friend

Aries - Female - Libra

Taurus - Male - Capricorn

Gemini - Male - Aquarius

Cancer - Male - Pisces 

Leo - Male - Sagittarius

Virgo - Female - Scorpio

Libra - Female - Aries

Scorpio - Female - Virgo

Sagittarius - Male - Leo 

Capricorn - Male - Taurus 

Aquarius - Female - Gemini 

Pisces - Female - Cancer

(Hush, I know most of these genders are common but they were selected randomly and have absolutely nothing to do with my opinion)

Character Descriptions

Aries ♈🐏

Gender: F

Fire & Cardinal Sign

"As the pranking master, I am not a good target for being provoked. Unless you want me to prank you every single day in the year with my 365 prank ideas. Capricorn, I'm looking at you!"

This girl is super impatient and can't stand to wait for 10 seconds. Passionate but hot-tempered, it's no secret that she cries quite easily, rages quite easily and yes, goes crazy quite easily. She is surprisingly intelligent, though, and that's where all her prank ideas come from. She's a natural leader and knows just how to turn the twelve signs on and off. There is nothing better to describe her than the definition of motivation.

Best friend: Libra


Taurus ♉🐂

Gender: M

Earth & Fixed Sign

"Don't you dare come into my room. Don't you dare touch anything of mine without permission. Don't you dare- wait, you know what? For the food part, don't even think about it."

He isn't the smartest and best at learning, but when you need a loyal guy to support you, he's the man. He's the most stubborn sign of the twelve and would never back down from a fight. With the best memory of all, someone crossing Taurus would mean a mark on his permanent record. When it comes to food, Taurus would really fight. Most of the time, this guy likes hiding from attention and being sweet. Yes, most of the time. Only.

Best friend: Capricorn

(Me: Get ready to watch Food War 1 erupt between Taurus and Libra at least 29503294839753092 times in this book)


Gemini ♊👬

Gender: M

Air & Mutable Sign

"They say I never shut up. That's not...hey, it might actually be true! If we're in the same room, I'll give you 3 seconds to run before you never hear anything else but my voice again."

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