Eight - Virgo ♍

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(A/N: Alright. Let me start this off by giving an apology. Sorry for being so late - it's just that this story has much longer chapters and I'm still getting accustomed to that. Also, I've neglected this story for so long just because I was working on another one - I shouldn't even have started this until now. But now that I can put 100% of my focus on this story, you can expect much better chapters and well-thought out scenes. Enjoy!)

I slowly made my way to the blacksmith shed. At the orphanage, I usually craved for silence. I loved every single one of my friends - they were like family to me...a few exceptions excluded. Sometimes, though, they were just way too loud. I lived in the mutable room - we were divided into three bedrooms with two bunker beds each. This was according to the quality of the zodiac signs our names represented. Gender didn't matter - it wasn't like we slept on the same beds. My roommates were quite peaceful - Pisces only blabbered if you stumbled upon a topic she was crazy about. Gemini wouldn't shut up only if you got him fired up and Saggy wouldn't talk if there was no one else to talk to. Those things were quite easy to avoid, so a quiet room was easy to achieve. (Except for the few times my inner neat freak lashed out onto Saggy.) I pitied Capricorn, an inhabitant of the cardinal room who enjoyed peace and quiet as much as I did. Aries was downright loud, Libra was there to keep her talking. Cancer almost always found a way to join the conversations. Though sometimes it did look like he secretly enjoyed the noise.

Right now, though, there was silence all around me and I didn't enjoy it. My mind kept reminding me of how a noisy fight started every single time I dropped by the fixed room to give Scorpio and...someone else a visit (is this someone else really that obvious?!). How when we were about to sleep, Aries and Libra would chat up a bit too loudly and get the longest lectures from Tessa. Capricorn's loud screeches every morning when he fell for a 'typical Aries prank'. Pisces' cute little giggles when she heard his scream. I gulped as I remembered all my past arguments with Aquarius - I missed those, too. This wasn't the silence I'd wanted. I should've enjoyed the noise when it was still there.

Now, although close to half of us were reunited, I didn't even have a single idea about the other half's well-being.

Sagittarius and Leo were waiting for us by the shed and Aries and Libra hadn't arrived. They were engrossed in a chat about...flirting?? I didn't know they took an interest in that. Even so, I decided to join the conversation. It felt worse to stand next to them awkwardly, trying not to eavesdrop.

"I'm telling you, man, Virgo can't flirt! I mean I can't deny that she's pretty attractive when she's just doing her own thing. Her attempts on Taurus, though...did you even hear the pickup lines she used?" The boys doubled over in laughter, not noticing my approach at all. Boy, that got me relieved that I was going to join the conversation. I cleared my throat as loud as I could and they immediately turned to me, looking at me as if I was a serial killer.

"I appreciate your compliments." I rolled my eyes and gave them a half-smirk. They seemed relieved that I didn't have a knife in hand and was coming to stab them to death. "Now how about we badmouth someone else's terrible flirting skills?"

They exchanged glances and replied in unison, "Yes, ma'am!"

I chuckled. "Have you guys seen Cancer and Aquarius flirt before?"

Leo's eyes popped wide open. Ah, right - he was Aquarius' roommate. Of course he would know her better than us. "She flirts?! You're kidding!"

Sagittarius elbowed him. "Dude, she means they can't flirt. Maybe that's why they're the first lovebirds among the twelve of us. They've got plans to go to flirting school together!"

I giggled. "I saw Cancer wink at Aquarius before - can't decide if it's adorable or just..." I couldn't finish my sentence. We were laughing way too hard. "You and Aries basically flirt each other to the ends of the earth though, Leo," I teased.

DISCONTINUED - The Fireflies -  A Zodiac AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now