Seven - Libra ♎

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  As the lunch break approached, I thought Aries was really going to come back with Taurus, but thankfully that wasn't what seemed to be the display on her face as she came back.

Instead, as she opened the cover of her helmet, I discovered a little lovesick look.

Virgo and I shared a sceptical glance and looked back. It didn't take long to guess who it was.

"It was Leo, wasn't it, Aries?"

Aries didn't specifically have a crush on anyone - she was just the kind of person who would throw a little wink here and there whenever she saw a guy, really. Except for Capricorn - he mostly wasn't even 'worth her time'. People just shipped her with Leo for no apparent reason. I guess they had a lot in common - they both flirted with random people out of nowhere. Sometimes she would say that I acted the same way and Sagittarius, one of our closest friends would agree with her. That would mean both of us threw ourselves at Sagittarius as he was usually the guy we spent the most time with.

Ridiculous. I didn't even like Sagittarius. I didn't like any of the boys, honestly - they were just an unnecessary addition to the six girls of the zodiacs. Sagittarius was an exception, but in a platonic way.

That's what people call friendzoning, isn't it? I didn't even need to try to push Sagittarius deeper into the friend zone. He was a quite flirty guy, but when it came to Aries and I, he knew that he had to stay deep inside. Neither of us minded him being there.

Virgo, being the usual fangirl pushed Aries for more. "Ooh, was there more chemistry than usual? Did he use a pick-up line on you? Did you-"

Aries cleared her throat pointedly. The blush on her cheeks were quite obvious, but we knew she had something to announce and us interrupting wouldn't be appreciated.

"The point is, I found Leo. It was kinda unexpected, but he's meeting us right now. He said he'll find a way to get in here. He-" Before Aries could continue, a deep voice that sounded like Leo trying to be a gentleman whispered flirtatiously, "Hello, ladies."

We turned around. Oh, it was Leo trying to be a gentleman. I couldn't help but giggle a little. Not to mention Aries' cheeks looked like they were on fire, but she gave Leo a kind of flirty wink anyway. I was ready to leave the cafeteria with Virgo and let the definitely-soon-to-be couple talk it out themselves, but we had a matter to talk about that unfortunately involved both of us.

"So, Leo, have you met any of the other boys here?" Virgo got straight down to business and questioned him.

"Uh, no, apparently I was to amazing to be standing with all the other soldiers. I get to display my awesome blacksmith skills instead," Leo lifted up an arm, pulled his sleeve back and gave his non-existent big muscles a hard pat. "Ow..." he muttered as he pulled his sleeve down.

Aries couldn't help but laugh out loud, her cheeks going even redder (I never thought that would be possible). I chuckled seeing how immature he was being and Virgo let out a small fangirl-ish squeak, then covering her mouth realising she shouldn't have let out that noise.

Virgo cleared her throat after everyone had a moment of laughing and weird noises associated with it. "Alright, back to business. Our next plan should be to find someone else. I suspect that six of us are here and six of us are in Imperium. I mean, it couldn't be such a coincidence that we ended up here at the exact time these two places went at war. Whoever kidnapped us probably wants us to fight each other!"

There were a few seconds of silence after Virgo's bold claim.

"You might be right. So far we've only got one guy," Aries glanced at Leo, her less prominent blush becoming obvious again. "so I think our next move should be looking for our next guy, who is probably a soldier...unless fate decides to be mean to us."

DISCONTINUED - The Fireflies -  A Zodiac AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now