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15| s a n d w o r l d;

"We're nothing but bodies made of dust,
Surrounding ourselves inside a sand castle,

Some drops of water quenching our thirst,
Our masses held into chaos,

Death guarding us at all points,
Our limbs tangling together in glee,

Oblivious of our surroundings,
We indulge ourselves in all the pretty things,

Staring at the pink slick smiles,
Grinning crystal sights,

Feeling that quick rush wherever we go,
In this castle made of sand,

We roam everywhere,
Hiding behind stone walls,

Etching stories on hard brown skins,
Trembling with sudden mischief,

Within this sand castle,
We revive countless memories,

Countless fading golds,
Only to be found under the deep earth,

The same old floor made of sand,
Filled with decaying bones."

"In this sand we breathe and in this sand we weep."

               - days of dust.

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