Chapter 1

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"Alex! Get down here!" I hear my mother yell from the bottom of the steps.

"Coming! I have to get dressed!"

"Hurry up or you'll be late for school!"

I roll my eyes and let out a sigh. I slip off my sweat pants and a large t-shirt, it used to be my fathers. He left when I was six, but I'm 17 now so I've pretty much gotten over it. I ran across my room to my closet. I grabbed my high waisted light shorts, a black cut of tank top that barely showed my stomach, and my black vans.

"Alex!" My mother yells again.

I sigh and grab my book bag and run downstairs. I walk into the kitchen as my mom was giving our dog, Bruno, the left overs from last night.

"Come here, Bruno!" I say in a baby voice. My mother laughs and sets my chocolate chip pancakes with peanut butter on the table.

"Eat!" She demanded.

I ran over with Bruno walking quickly on my heels. I sit down and waste no time to eat my pancakes. I huff as I look at my phone and realize I'm almost late. I grab my keys and sling my book bag over my shoulder.

"Bye Mom, love you!" I say with my mouth full of pancakes and I run towards the door.

"Love you too, sweetie. I'm working late again tonight! you know where the key is!" She hollered after me as I opened the door. I wave back at her as I run through the door.

I ran over to my red 2006 Mustang. I can't help but smile to myself as I climb into my car. My smile quickly faded as I watched my brother run after me and climb into my car.

"Um, what do you think your doing?" I ask him.

"Getting a ride to school. My truck broke down and you have to take me."

My eyes rolled back and I sighed. My brother's name is Andy. He's super overprotective. I feel like he just made that up about his truck so he can watch over me. Ever since the incident with my ex, he hasn't taken his eyes off of me. It's actually really annoying, but sweet at the same time.

"Whatever." I sigh.


In first period, I took a seat in the back of the classroom. I always sit in the back. I don't like attention. All the other classmates filled the room and took their seat as the bell rang. Then he walked in. He looked badass. So badass that everyone else turned and stopped their conversations just to look at him. The teacher stood up.

"Class, we have a new student!" She said excitedly. "His name is Matthew. Matthew Espinosa."

Matt nodded to the class. His eyes scanned the room and they sudden land on mine. He didn't look away. Our eyes stay locked.

"Matt, you can take a seat right there next to that young lady." Mrs. Reynolds said pointing to me. I snapped away from his gaze and eyed Mrs. Reynolds. She just winked at me like she meant to sit him next to me. Matt grinned at me and walked to his seat. When he sat he looked at me.

"Hey, I'm Matthew, but you can just call me Matt."

"I'm Alex." I say with a stupid smile. I felt my cheeks get warm so I quickly snapped my head forward hoping he didn't see. He saw any way 'cause I heard him laugh. Since it was just the first day of school, Mrs. Reynolds let us talk and do whatever. I sighed because I knew Matt was gonna talk to me.

"Hey." Matt said snapping me out of my thought. "Can I see you schedule? I wanna see how many classes we have together."

"Oh, um sure." I say handing him my schedule. His hand grazed my mine as he grabbed my schedule. I looked up and our eyes met. I quickly looked down. I watched him scan my schedule.

"Well would you look at that. We have all classes together besides third and sixth period." He smiling and handing me the paper for me to grab.

"Cool." I say. I felt myself blush again. He smiled at me.

"It's cute when you blush." He said grinning.

I blushed even harder.

"Thanks." I manage to whisper.


Third Period

Matt wasn't here this period. I didn't know whether to be sad or glad. He was good company but I was always blushing around him. I got butterflies- "Stop!" I told myself. I bit my lip to try and hold back a smile. It slipped any way. I felt stupid smiling to myself.

I raised my hand high so the teacher would see.

"Yes, Alex?" Mr. Denny asked.

"Um, may I go to the restroom." I asked as politely as I could. He nodded his head. I stood up and walked out of the room. I took the left hallway where the bathroom was. I felt someone grab my shoulder. I jumped and turned around.


"What are you doing?!" I yell-whisper to him.

"Um, going to the bathroom." He says back.

I felt stupid. Of course he's going to the bathroom. "Oh, yeah." I said and looked down. Matt lifted my head up with a finger under my chin, he laughed.

"Wanna ditch?" He asked.


"Ya know. Ditch third period. Just wonder around in the halls ya know. Nothing too extreme." He laughed.

"Um, okay." I said. I regretted it as soon as it came out of my mouth.

"I knew you couldn't resist me." He said with a smirk.

I laughed. "I'm gonna slap that smirk off your face!" I yelled at him.

He chucked, "C'mon, let's go do something."

I nodded. What am I getting myself into?


A/N: This is my first fanfic on here! I hope you guys like it! I'm sorry if it's short, I kinda just started writing this off the top of my head. I didn't really think about it. Thank you so much! please comment and vote! I also have a fan page on instagram! the user is @Matthew_Basically

Please share this fanfic to your friends! I'll update as much as possible! Love you all!

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