Chapter 5

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"J-Jake. Umm. What are you doing here?" I asked stuttering. I was completely scared out of my mind. Jake use to beat me.

"What? Am I not allowed to visit my girlfriend?" He asked with a smirk.

"I'm not you g-girlfriend."

"Oh, yeah! That's right." He said with anger in his voice, "You made a big mistake breaking up with me Alex!"

"You abused me!" I spat in his face.

"Oh, yeah. That reminds me. I forgot to do something back when we were together." He said with an evil smirk. My breath caught in my throat and I swallowed it down. Jake stepped towards me and shut the door behind him.

"J-Jake. W-What are you doing." I stepped backwards into the wall behind me.

"Something I should have done a long time ago." He whispered reaching for me. I quickly moved from his grasp and bolted up the stairs to my room. I could hear him right behind me. I quickly ran in my room and whirled around to shut the door. Jake was too fast. He slammed the door forward into me making me fall to the ground.

"J-Jake. N-no. Please." I stuttered with tears streaming down my face.

He walked towards me. I started scooting backwards on my back. I turned around on my stomach to get up and Jake grabbed my shoulders and lifted me off the ground.

"Jake stop!" I screamed.

He slapped me across the face, "Shut the Hell up, you little bitch!"

Tears continued to stream down my face. "Matt!" I screamed as loud as I could. Jake slammed his hand over my mouth.

"Shut up or I will slit your pretty little throat." He whispered against my neck giving me cold chills.He threw me onto my bed. His hands went down to my pants unbuckling them.

"Jake. No. No. No. Please baby, I still love you. Please don't do this." I said pleadingly.

He laughed, "I'm not falling for that bull shit." He spat in my face.

He pinned his legs against my thighs and slid my pants and underwear down to to my ankles. I sobbed and sobbed. Matt was running through my mind. Where the Hell was he?

I squirmed trying to get out of his grip, but he was too strong. He had my arms and legs pinned to the bed. I couldn't believe I was about to lose my virginity to this asshole. He reached down his his pants and pulled 'it' out.

"Don't worry baby." He whispered, "You'll enjoy this."

Just as he was about to make entry someone slammed into his side and tumbled over the side of the bed with him. I quickly scrambled to pull up my underwear and pants. I looked over the side of the bed and Matt was on top of Jake cussing and punching him in the face. I scurried over the other side of the bed and grabbed my phone off the night stand. I immediately dialed 911.


Matt and I stood on the front step of my porch as the last police car that contained Jake pulled away. Matt's arms were wrapped securely around my waist.

"Are you okay?" He whispered against my neck.

"Yes." I whispered back.

"C'mon. Let's go lay down at my house. Okay?"


Matt and I walked hand and hand to his car. I sat down on the passenger side. I started to think about my mom. Like, is she having fun on her cruise? Is she thinking about me? I decided not to tell her about Jake cause I didn't want to ruin her vacation. She wouldn't be back for another two weeks. The ride to Matt's house was silent for me. Matt tried to talk to me, but I kinda just tuned him out. I was scared. I was almost raped. I wanted Matt to be with me everywhere I went. He was my hero. He saved me from Jake and I'm being selfish ignoring him. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to him.

"What do you wanna do when we get to your house besides lay on the couch?" I asked without expression.

He smiled. I'm guessing cause I finally said something."Well, we could cuddle and play video games together, or watch a movie." He said with a wink.

"Sounds good." I tried to smile back at him but I couldn't. Which made me feel bad cause his face quickly went from happy to almost hurt. I wanted to make it up to him. I mean, we've been together for a little over three months now. I smiled to myself and turned to Matt.

"Hey." I said. He looked at me then back at the road, "Thank you, for saving me." I paused, "I love you." His head spun so fast to look at me I thought it would fall off. His eyes widened. He glanced back at the road, then back to me.

"What?" He asked sounding breath taken.

I smiled. "I said I love you!" I said laughing.

He had the biggest smile in his face as he said, "I love you too, Alex."


I woke up feeling Matt's breath on the back of my neck. His arms were wrapped tightly around my waist. I rolled over with his arms still wrapped around me and faced him. His mouth was slightly open as he let out little snores. I giggled and got up to get my phone. I snatched it of the table and pulled up the camera. I pointed my phone towards Matt and snapped the picture. I giggled at my phone. I turned towards the night stand and put my phone down. I walked over to Matt's closet and grabbed some of his sweatpants and a long-sleeved tee shirt that had the letters 'ME' on the front. I figured it stood for Matthew Espinosa. I jogged over to his bathroom and stepped in, lightly shutting the door behind me. I slipped off my shirt and looked in the mirror with a sigh. I looked at my features. I was still pretty thin from starving myself a while ago. I had band-aids across my stomach from cuts. I had a thigh gap which I actually didn't like. I have a curvy body, so I guess that's a good thing. My dark hair came just bellow my breasts. I stopped looking in the mirror and slipped on Matt's clothes. His clothes surprisingly fit me nicely. I looked nice I guess.

I walked back into Matt's room. He was still snoozing away. I giggled and crawled back in bed beside him. My lips met his and his eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning, beautiful." He said with a groggy voice.

"Good morning, babe."

He hummed and sighed, "I like it when you call me, 'babe'."

"Well, I like you." I whispered tapping his nose.

"Well, I like you too." He said smiling while I raked my hand through his messy hair. He smiled as he got up and went to the bathroom and shut the door behind him. I smiled to myself.  Matt came out of the bathroom and looked at me.

"You look cute in my clothes." He said with a wink. "You hungry?"

I nodded. We walked downstairs into the kitchen. I grabbed two bowls from the cabinet. Matt grabbed the milk and some Fruit Loops. We sat silently eating our cereal occasionally smiling at each other. After we ate, we decided to grab our penny boards and go ride down the board walk. This is a perfect way to start the day.


A/N: OH MY GAWSH I TOOK FOREVER TO UPDATE! I'm so sorry. I got grounded which I still am but I snuck my iPod for you guys! I tried to make this chapter long for you guys. love y'all

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