It's a good day to die - Part 3

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                                       ( Video is SKYND -  Gary Heidnik' Featuring Jonathan Davis )

   I tried the number after a few days of stalling.  I didn't want to speak to him and I was kinda hoping he was long dead along with the girl.  Chris and the boys were not on the top of my list of people i wanted in my life, not after they had hung me out to dry  the way they had. 

" Who is  this? "   The voice sounded worn out.

I hung up the phone without a word, a small smile playing at the corners of my mouth.  I didn't think that they would have gotten their hands on a valid number but the voice on the other end of the phone had been Chris's.  Well this was an interesting twist.  If Chris was out there then where was Moth?  Still at the hospital, dead?  and where was Chris?  Lots of questions and no answers.  A few days later they took me back to the room where the hot doc was pacing like a cadged animal.  She didn't look happy as they chained me to my chair. 

"  Why didn't you speak to him? "   She asked,  bending to make her cleavage more that a little noticeable.

Of course the warden would have been listening in when I made the call. I should have known better.  It was stupid and not a mistake I would make again.  "  Why do you care so much? Not one of those girls testified against anyone but me and look what happened to them. They ended up dead anyway. " 

"  Moth is missing. Chris is MIA and we just want to make sure they are not together or that he has not harmed her.  Ricky has also not been located yet and If you can help us find them then it would benefit us all.  "

"  Well  I can't help you from in here.  You get me out of here and I might be able to remember some details that you might find interesting. And wasn't  Moth in a coma?  How would he have gotten her out of the hospital unnoticed? "  

"  We think he killed the nurses and an orderly.  We found the bodies outside her room but nothing else.  It's like they just vanished. "   Janett scowled prettily down at her paperwork.

" Then how do you know it was Chris?  It could have been Ricky for all you know right? " 

"  Perhaps.  Are you ready? "   She smirked at me from across the table.

" Ready for what? "   I tested my chains, they didn't move an inch. 

One of the guards stepped up behind me and stuck me in the neck with a needle.  My head trashed as the good doctor smiled at me.  I felt woozy almost immediately and thought....So this is what the girls felt when drugged by one of us.  It was not a pleasant feeling and it didn't take very long before I was forced into unconsciousness. 

Movement....I could feel my body bouncing around as I swam out of the fog that was my brain trying to fight off the drugs.  I could hear the sounds of tires on pavement as I was transported to wherever it was they were taking me.  I cracked my eyes to see my chained wrists. Surprisingly my feet were not chained.  I  fought the feeling of nausea as I turned my head to look out the window.  It late afternoon and we were surrounded by trees.  It didn't look like anything I recognized until I spotted a graffiti covered bridge.  We were not to far away from the prison then, Maybe an hour away and not close to any towns.  I was surrounded by trees and rolling hills. The transport bus bounced into a pot hole making my head hurt. 

"  Your awake? "   Doc Janett's voice came from behind my seat. 

" Was drugging me a necessity? "   My eyes didn't seem to want to focus.

A Ghost in the fog  ( A companion story to A Fatality Of Snow )Where stories live. Discover now