I'll die when I want to - Part 7

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(  Type O Negative -  Love you to death )

She had been closer to being a child than an adult when she had gotten sick and been put into the hospital at least that's the way everyone looked at it. Even if she had been barely eighteen. She had hit her head while swimming with friends and been in and out of a coma for two weeks.  Every time she woke up she had stayed awake for longer periods but every time she would drift back into it after a while.  So this time she thought she was dreaming as something pulled her forth, waking her up. There was a man leaning over her.  Dressed in all black she almost thought he was a demon, come to take her away but the feel of his gloved hands on her face told her otherwise. The feel of his cold lips pressed to hers had made her gasp as her blue eyes snapped open in fear.  The machines around her had begun to beep but no one came. 

" Sleeping beauty awakens. "   His voice was soft, like the purr of a large hungry cat.

Her panic stricken gaze slid down with his hand, across her throat to her chest and into her hospital gown.  She could feel him, smell him, hear him and her betraying body was responding to his touch.  Confused she could only lay there in the bed, feeling like it had to still be a waking dream she couldn't escape from.  The hand was on the move again,  slowly sliding down over her panties, fingers pressing into her folds. 

"  Shhhh...sweet angel. "   He put a finger to her lips as she tried to make a sound. Tried to  tell him to stop.  He continued to slip his fingers inside her as he began to squeeze her throat with his free hand.  His  cold lips closing over her dry ones, his tongue prodding into her mouth, urging her to part her lips and take him in.

Was this real or was this another nightmare?  No...His finger? Fingers deep inside me, stroking and pressing tell me that this is very real and it feels so very good...My belly filling with strange butterflies.  I feel myself going black around the edges and when I wake this time there is weight on top of me.  He's on top of me, soft brown eyes boring a hole into me.  He's grunting softly in my ear and I feel how wet I am.   I want to cry to scream and can't.  I am so very tired and if I just close my eyes this dream will shift and go away.........

I wake with a scream on my cracked and bleeding lips.  The darkness is less and I can see the dirty blood streaked walls.  There is a fat rat sitting on my plate eating my bread.  I have to pee but I will not do it here.  How had this gone so horribly wrong and how was I going to get myself out of this one?  I almost did pee myself when the door popped open and Ricky came though it with a bowl and another bottle of water.  He shooed the rat off the side table and set the new tray down.

"  I know your awake. "    He sat on the bed besides me.

" Please. I have to use the bathroom. "   I hate how weak I sound. 

"  Let me get you cleaned up. "   He ignores me for a moment.  He then reaches down and takes a wet moldy smelling rag from the floor and begins to whip my face, arms and legs.  I am surprised he is so gentle.  He sets the rag down and puts the bottle of water to my mouth.

"  I need to use the bathroom or I'm peeing right here. "  

It works because he reaches over and unlocks the wrist straps that bound me to the bed. He takes a very large knife, now rusty brown with blood from his leg and holds it to my throat. I keep eye contact with him as he growls down at me.

"  No funny business. You scream or run or anything and I kill you. "  

"  Please. "  Is all i squeak out. 

"  Let's go doc. "   He yanks her up out of the bed, pushing her towards the open door.

I can see a hallway with a very dim light and dirt floors.  Old mismatched doors , six of them dot either side of the hallway.  My mind is racing as I look to see which doors have locks on them an which ones do not.  He pushes me all the way to the end of the hall and into a small room with a tiny window.  He leans casually against the door with a smirk on his face.

"  Go ahead. "  He chuckles.

" What?  Where? "   All i can see is a nasty hole where a toilet used to be. The room smells worse than the one we just came from. 

" Just hurry up before the other guys realize what I did. "   His gaze is on the steps.

I hate this but I hurriedly pull down my pants and go.  My eyes dart around the room. There is an old broom handle and a bottle of bleach.  A rusty pair of scissors and some old paint cans. I want to vomit as I finish up and as I pull my pants up, noticing what just might just save my life.  There is a broken mirror over the busted sink and a few pieces of glass lay dusty and forgotten under it.

" Are you done? "   He steps out into the hall to listen. 

"  Almost. "   I say as I grit my teeth and slide the sharp pieces of glass over to me. My shaking hands pick it up and tuck it behind my back.  I move like lightning as he turns to look at me. He has no idea what is about to happen as I swing my arm around, using what strength I have left to drive the glass into his stomach.

"  You bitch! "  He growls, swinging the knife wildly.

I manage to jump back.  I grab the rusty scissors and we stand there at an impasse. He's bleeding pretty good and groaning.  I know I only have seconds so I grab the broom handle and swing for his head.  He knocks it away with a dark chuckle and I kick him where the shard is sticking out. He screams and I push him out of the room. Slam the door shut and turn to the small window. I pull a bucket to the wall and pull myself up.  It's covered in brambles but I don't care as I pull myself though the broken frame.  I feel his hands on my feet and I am kicking at him again as I haul myself out the window. 

It's dark and I can't see shit as I crawl from the window well.  Thank god it was big enough for me to squeeze though.  I could hear him cursing me as I lay for a second panting. I was so weak that it hurt to move and I was feeling nauseous.  I growl softly in the back of my throat and get to my hands and knees.  I have to move and I have to move now or die trying.  I get up and stagger around the edge of the house.  There are so many trees and bushes it's hard to see what is in front of me and without warning I am flying forward into a pile of bones.  I do scream as a skull rolls away from my hand. 

"  Going somewhere doc? "   Ghost's voice is above me. 

"  Fuck you! "  I am on my feet and about to run when I feel his hands on my back. Nails digging painfully into my neck. 

" Give me a reason. "   He snarls, his breath hot in my ear.

I can feel his need pressing into my back. "  You don't need to do this Devin.  You can just let me go and I wont..." 

" Tell anyone...right..."  His hand goes over her mouth as he pinches her nose shut.

He had to give it to her. She was resourceful and had he not heard Ricky shout he wouldn't have been able to stop her as fast as he did.  He let her squirm until she sagged against him. He picked her up and carried her back to the house.  He was going to have to board up the basement windows.  Why Ricky hadn't done it sooner he didn't know.  Chris stood on the back porch with a smirk on his face.  He must have thought this was pretty funny.  Well he could suck it. 

Ricky staggered out the door with the glass still inside him.  " Can one of you assholes help me! " 

"  Help yourself. "  Chris snap's as Lilly appears behind him. 

Ghost carries the doc into the house and back down the basement steps.  He would have to make sure she was secured by his own hand this time and not have Ricky or Chris go anywhere near her.  He tosses her down onto the dirt floor and puts her hands in cuffs that are chained to the wall. He would move her later but for now she could sit tight inside the toy room. 

A Ghost in the fog  ( A companion story to A Fatality Of Snow )Where stories live. Discover now