Time Turners

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Ally walked down the sidewalk carrying McDonalds bag.

Oh well, Ally thought. That's what Connie gets for asking me to bring her lunch.

Ally wasn't really that bothered by it. In fact, she liked bringing Connie lunch, it gave her an excuse to visit her sister.

"I really wish she wouldn't work so hard on that machine of hers. It's stressing her out too much," Ally muttered herself as she entered the main campus building.

She walked up to the front desk and got the receptionists attention.

"Excuse me ma'am," Ally said. The lady looked up from her magazine.

"Hello sugar," the woman said. She had a southern accent and a tag that said, 'Hello, my name is Elle'. "I just need to sign ya'll in. What're ya here for?"

"Oh, I'm here to visit Connie Baxter and bring her lunch," Ally answered, holding up the slightly greasy fast food bag. Elle nodded and handed me a clipboard.

"Sign here honey," she instructed while handing me a pen. Ally signed her name and handed Elle back the pen. "Go ahead." Ally nodded and jogged out of the building and onto the lawn.

The sooner she got to the science wing, the sooner she got to see Connie. Ally pushed open the door to the labs and saw Connie hunched over her machine- a remote that Connie was trying to implant technology that could allow the user to travel in time.

Ally figured that Connie would be there for awhile.

"Yo Connie!" Ally exclaimed, making Connie jump in her seat. The sciency twin turned around to face her sister.

The two were fraternal twins, sharing most traits, albeit not enough to be identical. Ally and Connie both had dark hair and blueish eyes. They had the same nose though and cheekbones too.

Connie had her hair cut above her shoulder in an almost-bob. Ally chose to let her hair run free, falling past her shoulders and halfway down her back.

"I come baring Big Macs," Ally said proudly at the same time Connie said, "You shouldn't sneak up on me when I'm working." Ally made a pfft noise.

"Come on, I brought greasy french fries," Ally teased in sing-song as she waved the bag around. Connie rolled her eyes.

"Fine I have to wash my hands though. I'll be right back, don't touch anything," Connie warned. Ally nodded and ate a French fry. Once Connie had left the room, Ally turned to look down the hallway. No Connie.

Turning back around with a devious smile on her face, Ally stalked back over to her sister's work table.

The machine was small and rectangular, like a TV remote. Also like a remote, it had up and down buttons and a power button. Unlike the current remotes, it had a glass panel at the top that told the time like a clock ( 12:01 7/12/14) and the power button was flashing.

On and off, on and off. Slowly, Ally poked it. Not enough to press it down though. Instead she messed with the up and down buttons. When she did the date moved until it said 12:01 700. Ally looked at the power button again. On and off, on and off. Slowly, she moved her finger.

"Ally, don't!"

She did.

• • •

Ally and Connie fell from the sky onto hard, mossy ground. Not from very far up, maybe five feet. Connie was the first one up. She dusted herself off and glared at Ally, who got up seconds later.

"Ally, I told you not to fricken touch anything!" Connie yelled. She looked around. They were in a heavily wooded area. The woods behind the campus, maybe?

"Connie, you know that saying, 'don't touch that' just makes me want to do it more," Ally whined. Connie, though, wasn't listening. She was already heading north- towards the campus. "Connie wait for me!" Ally stumbled towards the still walking twin.

Connie didn't slow down, and they walked in silence until they reached the end if the woods. Connie expected to see the back and of a campus building. For the first time in her life, Connie Baxter was wrong.

On the other side of the tree line was a late ported town. It was next to a hill/mountain with a large white building with columns on the top. Even from the tree line Ally could see the bustle in the streets.

"Dorothy," Ally whispered. "We're not in Kansas anymore." Connie looked at Ally confused.

"It's Toto," Connie corrected.


"You said, 'Dorothy, we're not in Kansas anymore'? It's 'Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore'." Ally exhaled loudly.

"Whatever," she dejected before walking towards the city.

"Ally, wait up! This is not a good idea!"

A/N: Yes, I am starting a new story. I'm thinking of assigning days to my stories to publish. This is gonna be the schedule-

Monday- Incarnate, Down the Rabbit Hole

Tuesday- Percy Jackson and the Cliche FanFiction, The Forgotten Sister [A Harry Potter FanFic]

Wednesday- Only One

Thursday- Scary Stories to Chill You

Friday- Time After Time, Half Blood Whole Heart

Please out my Pegacorns.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2014 ⏰

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