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It's almost 2pm, Hashim along with the Imam drove to his house. After ensuring it was safe for the Imam to go in, he welcomed him and headed straight to his bedroom.

Hashim: shayk sa'ad is in the living room and wants to talk to you.
He said to his wife and left immediately to join the Imam again.

Few minutes after, Islamiya appeared in her hijab with two luggage bags in her possession.

Asalam alaikum ya Shaykh. I was told you are around to talk to me, but sir with due respect, I see that there is no need for you to intervene in whatever issue he might have related to you, because as you are seeing me, I'm already prepared to leave for a place I will be well honored and respected rather than staying where I will be continuously stigmatized and accused, or my chastity will be doubted, after all he has pronounced his talaq so?

Imam calmly: sister Islamiya! Can you please honor my coming for a couple of minutes and then you decide on whatever you want to do?!

Islamiya shaking her feet: I'm hearing sir.

Imam: can you please have a seat.

Well my sister! You aren't to be blamed for your actions, and as a man he shouldn't be blamed for his actions as well but after genuine verifications.

I'm sure there is a story behind all these you wish to tell, because personally I believe you are a righteous woman which he also knows well, and as a matter of fact I never heard of or seen anything in brother Nasir but goodness. He isn't here for us to hear from him, so can we hear from you?

Your husband told me he left home after a misunderstanding that enused between you both which is normal in every home, only for him to come back the following day and see you in a tow... (stammering) saw you without hijab in the presence of Nasir. What..

Hashim (cut in): And the door was locked!!

Islamiya fixing her gaze at Hashim: Shaykh! At this point in life, Hashim pronouncing talaq and reporting our affairs to a third party is the last thing I would have ever expected him to do. What a disappointment!!

Well! I'm going to explain what you guys need to know just to clear my own path, but know that I was trained to have a self-esteem and dignity in my life, so whether you people believe or not, it's enough that Allah knows the truth. As a matter if fact, spending an extra night in this house will certainly be impossible.
Since the first day Hashim suggested that his brother will come over I reminded him of how Islam shuns against such an act, he felt like I wanted to deprive him of the companionship of his only immediate family member left in this world. And so far it was for a short period of time, I had no option than to accept.

To be fair and honest, I have never seen anything in brother Nasir but all goodness contrary to what I hear about brothers in-law, he always displays the opposite.
In fact, brother Nasir hardly looks at me while talking, once his brother isn't home I won't see him. I never felt I am been deprived of my right in my own house, I use my hijab limited times because he understands he shouldn't inconvenient me, he often stays in his room and make sounds or tasleem if he wants to come out.

Just yesterday, would you believe Nasir slept outside since his brother refused to show up?!

(Surprise shows on the Imam and Hashim's face)

(Jointly) Outside??!

Islamiya raising a brow: Exactly!
He wisely thought of protecting his deen by remaining out and stayed inside the suv car till you return which didn't happen except today and eventually, he slept there.

He texted me before Fajr time, to come in, in order to have his mouth cleaned, make wudu and observe his nawafil. I opened the door without even seeing him and left immediately for my room.

He left and texted me again to notify me, had it in mind to lock the door but dozed off. After Fajr I reflected on the dispute that came up between I and Hashim and tried to observe where I got things wrong in order to amend myself. I had the feelings that Hashim will definitely return back that morning. To surprise him, I thought of taking my bath, adorn myself and prepare the breakfast before his return. (voice getting cracked) It was after my bath immediately I remembered that I was yet to lock the door. I quickly went to turn off the burner of the egg I was boiling and headed towards the door to lock it not knowing that Nasir was in already. On going back to my room, I paused a while as I noticed Nasir's missed call on my phone, I decided to quickly send Hashim an apology message on WhatsApp first and then call his brother. That was what I was typing when Nasir came out of his room. Shock was all I could read over his face. I felt paralyzed as well, I couldn't feel my feet any longer in order to run in. It was then Allah's test came around by making Hashim arrive and open the door at that exact moment. Nasir isn't in anyway guilty of anything, I mean, just after the whole scene and as soon as I regained my consciousness, I remembered he sent me a message, I opened it and here is what it says, you can confirm the time received as well.

Islamiya stood up to give the Imam her phone.

Imam (reading out): Asalam alaikum, I have been knocking the door since, not sure if you are asleep or not, I noticed the door isn't locked though, so I will like to come in and get ready for work inshallah.

Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar!
I said it! Brother Nasir is nothing but a righteous man. May Allah protect him wherever he is.

Said the Imam with relief

Islamiya with a heavy sigh: Well! That's all I got to say. After this, does he have any right to get mad let alone divorce me?! If he really cares for me, is he supposed to leave home knowing a non-mahram can have access to it anytime? If it is not Nasir but another fellow who doesn't fear Allah, or even shyatan came between us both, won't he be the one to share the greatest part of the blame?! Anyways, he has taken his decision which I have accepted as Allah's decree, can I now be on my way to my destination?

Imam tapping on Hashim: brother can I have a 5min talk with your wife? You can stay close by please!

Hashim standing up: inshallah!


Reference: omm maher naqabi
*_The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Beware of entering upon women.” A man from among the Ansaar said, “What about the in-law, O Messenger of Allaah?” He said, “The in-law is death.”_*

Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5232; Muslim, 2172.

*_Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:*_
*_With regard to the Prophet’s words “The in-law is death,” what this means is that there is more fear with regard to him than anyone else, and evil is to be expected of him, and the fitnah (temptation) is greater because he is able to reach the woman and be alone with her without anyone denouncing that, unlike the case of one who is a stranger_*

To be continued...


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