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Imam adjusting his seat:
Sister Islamiya! I want to first appreciate your believe in Allah's decree, indeed Allah destined this to happen for a purpose known to Him, and let me remind you that you aren't better than our mother Aisha or Hashim better than rasululah who also both found themselves in a similar situation.
Mind you, your husband didn't accuse you nor doubted your chastity...

Islamiya cut in weeping aloud: He did Shaykh! He did! Or what's the meaning of the divorce he issued hun?!

Imam: Please calm down! I deeply understand you sister. He is a man, same thought and behavior can come from any man that finds himself in his shoes. When Aisha was accused of Zina, Rasululah was so puzzled to the point that he didn't know what action to take. In fact, Ali had to advise him to divorce Aisha in order to relieve himself from people's gossip. Thank God, what ensued between you guys is somthing known to only family members, it was the whole madina that talked and gossiped about Aisha's chastity until Allah revealed the truth behind the matter. So don't blame your husband, his only mistake was to allow shaytan defeat him by loosing his temper to the point that he had to issue the revocable talaq..

Islamiya: what do you mean by revocable Shaykh?! He shouldn't revoke back anything because I won't even spend a night in this house again. It's over between us.

Imam: You are wrong sister! Deep inside you, you know you still love this man, why do you want to stress and torture yourself over an issue that can be solved in a night?!
Basically, a divorced woman is supposed to spend her 'iddah days in her husband's home, and leave for her family house after the end of the iddah. So you aren't supposed to leave for anyone's home but remain here!

Islamiya with a sharp look: So I should remain here with a man that I no longer value our relationship. Is it until I die of depression?!

Imam: Astagfirullah! Depression and its likes won't be your portion bithnillah. He has made a mistake and ready to amend, Inshallah things won't take long between you both before it gets better than the way it was before. I just want you to accept what has happened as a decree probably to increase the affection and trust that will exist between you henceforth.

Please allow not the devil take more opportunity from what has happened to create more unnecessary scenes between you two. What has happened has happened and in no way would I lay any blame on you but rather on him.

You won't believe how much tears your husband had shed in the masjid in regret of his action after I rebuked him for the step he  took.
(lying) In fact, he admitted that he was wrong and asked me to follow him to you not to enquire the truth from you but to plead with you and ask for your forgiveness regarding the step taken.

He counted numerous good qualities and behaviors he has always seen in you which he claims he might not find in any other lady out there. He seriously lamented over where to start his life from after you guys might get separated. Well! Shaytan didn't give him time to reflect upon these all before he dropped his statement earlier on, and that's why Islam gave the chance for people like him to have their wives back to themselves and continue their blissful coexistence.
Please as a Muslimah and emulator of the mothers of the believers, do not deny him the right to revoke his talaq, and don't allow shaytan enlarge the matter in your eyes. Remember, Rasululah divorced his wife Hafsa as well, before Allah ordered him to revoke it and have her back simply because she kept fasting and observing nawafil at the last hours of the night, and she still will be his wife in Jannah! Mashallah!
(teasingly) Don't you wish to be Shaykh Hashim's wife in Jannah as well?!
Please take back your luggage and rearrange them better than how it was before!!!

Islamiya never ceased from shedding tears throughout the Imam's talk, she stood up dragging her bags to the room after thanking the Shaykh and locked herself up in the room to satisfy her eyes with more tears.

(A reminder)

*Umm Kalthoom bint‘Uqbah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said she heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “He is not a liar who reconciles between people, conveying good messages and saying good things.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 2546; Muslim, 2605*

To be continued inshallah...

References:*OMM MAHER*



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