Birthday [Not shippy H2OhmToonz]

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A/N: H2OhmToonz with just dudes being friends, but if you were to ask them they'd probably be dtf

[Luke POV]

The sound of the front door clicking shut brought them both to attention, both racing the other off of the couch to greet Ohm who had just gotten back from his weekend away. Normally he didn't act out on his desperate need for Ohms' attention but given that it was said man's birthday tomorrow he figured that he could indulge himself a little, and clearly Jon agreed with him.

They both gave the shorter man a tight hug, laughing when Ohm would try to bat them away when it got a little too tight, Jon ignoring Ohms' efforts entirely and lifting him up and over his shoulder to carry him into the living room.

Ohm was more or less thrown onto the couch causing another laugh from the youngest of the three at Ohms' look and shriek of indignation, which was short lived when Ohm wrapped an arm around his neck and started rubbing his hair, he couldn't hold back his own laugh even if he wanted too.

"Oh, you think it's funny Toonzy? Didn't see you bothering to help"

Before he could so much as blink Ohm was off of Jon and had rushed over to him before putting him into a headlock, it was endearing at first and he was willing to indulge the smaller man for a moment, but when he showed no signs of stopping he was quick to escape the grasp around him, picking up Ohm once again and chucking him onto the couch.

"You keep your ass there okay? I see you out that seat and there ain't nobody that can save you"

All Ohm did was put his hands behind his head as he laid back against the couch, giving a nod of approval he motioned to Jon to follow, casting one final look to a now smirking Ohm as they made their way to the kitchen.

Jon wasted no time in getting out the cake that they had spent the day making, four tiers of chocolatey goodness that gave him toothache to even think about but he's sure his friends would happily consume.

He left Jon to light the candles whilst he brought out their joint present, nothing big, more of a joke really but he hopes to catch Ohm in it at least once before it's relegated to the bottom of the man's cupboard.

He helped Jon light up the last few candles before the younger man carefully picked up the cake and made his slow advance towards the living room. He quickly made his way in front of Jon, dropping the present just by the door to peek into the room to see Ohm fiddling around with the Tv.

"What the hell did I say about staying on that couch"

The way Ohm jumped in place was almost comical and he was lucky not to hit his head on the Tv when turning to face him, dropping the remote by the Tv as he quickly scurried back onto the couch, mumbled apologies leaving his lips.

"That's what I thought Bitch"

"You're so mean Toonzy, you and Del" His heart could melt at the pout Ohm threw his way, he's not going to deny that the younger man had both him and Del wrapped around his pinky finger, not that they'd tell him that of course.

"Get your ass out the way" He jumped a little at the voice right behind him, earning a small giggle from both Jon and Ohm before moving out of the way, letting the man make his way into the room to the beginning tunes of happy birthday.

He was quick to join in, enjoying the sparkle in Ohms' eyes as he realized what his friends had done for him. After the smaller man had blown out the candles he'd barely let Jon put the cake down before wrapping him into a hug and dragging him onto the couch with him. It quickly turned ugly, Ohm not above tickling the younger man to keep him close, leaving said man helpless but to cry for help.

It was nice to watch someone else be on the receiving end of Ohms' antics for once and he was happy to let Jons' cries fall on deaf ears until his foot almost smashed the cake into the table and he'd be damned if he let the cake they had made go to waste.

He grabbed the present that was still by the door before making his way to the couch "Alright break it up the both of ya, or neither of you are gettin' cake" Ohm was quick to throw his pout at them again.

"But it's my birthday Toonzy, you literally can't say no to me" He rolled his eyes at that statement which only earned a giggle from Ohm.

"Your birthday ain't till tomorrow bitch until then we do as I say"

"Fuck that, I made that cake as well, I damn well get to eat it when I want" He turned to cast a disapproving look at Jon.

"Wanna try me bitch" Him and Jon stared at each other, waiting for the other to make a move, until eventually, Jon relented, looking away.

"I hate you"

"Love ya too"

"Just give Ohm his present so we can eat the damn thing, I swear it's callin' to me man" he rolled his eyes again before putting the present in Ohms lap Jon interjecting before he could say anything "This is from both of us, it's an early gift, hope you enjoy, yadda yadda can we eat now?"

He slapped Jon upside the head, earning a grunt of pain from the younger man and a giggle from Ohm "Wow nice to know I mean so much to you Del"

"C'mon man, don't tell me you can resist that?" he made a general motion towards the cake at which he noticed Ohm go to look, he swears he can see the man actually think about the question for a moment before he's tearing into his present.

"I swear to God you're both as bad as each other" He sighed, trying his best not to facepalm as he watched Ohm pull out the rabbit onesie they'd gotten him, fluffy tail and all.

They watched as Ohm measured it up against himself before giving them both a quick hug and a thank you before quickly excusing himself to try it on. Whilst the younger man was gone he was in a constant battle trying to keep Jon away from the food, ignoring his pleas for 'just a bit of frosting'.

Not too long later Ohm came back to the living room, strutting into the room to music only he could hear, turning when he was in front of them like a model on a catwalk before he broke his façade in a giggle. He wolf whistled at Ohm who only giggled more as he turned once again, wagging his fluffy little tail before sitting down next to them again.

"This is awesome guys, seriously thank you so much. Best birthday present ever"

"Don't say that yet, wait till you see what you've got tomorrow" His heartbeat sped up a little as he saw the joy sparkling in Ohms' eyes, coupled with the soft grey ears that now flopped next to his face and even he couldn't deny that Ohm looked goddamn adorable right now.

Ohm gave both of them an extra hug, thanking them once again before deciding to put Jon out of his misery and to cut the cake.

Despite all of his complaining they had neither cutlery or plates to eat off, quickly remedied by Jons run to the kitchen which would give the Flash a run for his money before tucking into the cake they had made.

They sat there for the rest of the evening, laughing amongst each other until either fatigue or a food coma hit them, he even carried an almost sleeping Ohm to his bed as an almost birthday treat which would not be a common occurrence, but the way Ohm hummed his response told him he may be doing this a lot more often.

Dropping him off in bed, he felt Ohm give him one final light hug and a final murmur of thank you before letting him go, Ohm also calling out his thanks to Jon who was standing in the doorway, before quickly falling asleep in preparation of his big day tomorrow.

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