You're my dog and a Werewolf? (OhmCat)

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A/N: So in this, I had it where werewolves don't turn every full moon but only a few times during the year, and also there's a bit based off of a post I saw on a myth where Werewolves could turn human during the change from someone they loved so I hope that kinda clears that bit up.

[Ohm POV]

He prowled the streets in his dog form, preferring to spend his days like this than in his human form, knowing that people would be more sympathetic to a dog than a man.

He was currently rummaging through an overturned bin when a shout caught his attention and he felt his heart sink with dread, two men from the pound had blocked his exit, taking a moment to quickly glance around himself to see anything which can aid in his escape, there was none.

Slowly the men started to approach him, remaining side by side so he couldn't slip between them, but he stayed, waiting for them to get a bit closer before making his move.

He suddenly darted towards them, using their momentary shock to feign directions and dart between one of their legs, however, he didn't make it far, arms were quick to encircle him, and he was quickly pinned to the floor, howling and whining as he tried to escape.

A new shout caught his attention and another man, seemingly just a passer-by, started running towards them, grabbing the scruff of his neck and pulling him from the other man's hold.

"What are you doing, this is my dog" He'd never met this man before but was quick to catch onto his game, feigning excitement at seeing the man and attempting to lick at his face, which earned a small chuckle from his savior.

"Well your dog has no collar, no leash and was rummaging through the bins, doesn't take brains to know he's a stray"

He bristled slightly at the man's words but was surprised when the man who saved him started to run a gentle hand along his back and he quickly felt his anger ebb away at the touch.

"That's cause he went missing about a week ago, maybe if you helped people find their pets instead of chucking them in a cage in fucking nowhere we wouldn't be in this mess" He was surprised how vehement the man had been and moved so that the man's hand was now stroking his head, before placing a small lick onto his palm in his own offer of comfort.

"If he's your dog then what's his name?" The man had no answer forthcoming and all he heard were snickers from the two men behind him. "Tell you what, we'll hold him here and you call him with his name, if he responds, he's yours, if not then say bye bye to the furball"

He could tell the man wanted to argue but before either of them could protest he felt his neck being roughly grabbed and he was dragged backward, for a moment he tried to fight the hold in an effort to break free, but when that didn't work he complied, already knowing that he wouldn't fall into their hands.

"Alright, call him"

He saw the man bend down onto one knee, offering him a smile and open arms as he called out 'Drogon', not even questioning the choice in name before he was bounding over to him, knocking him off his feet so that he was standing over him, licking at his face which were only half-heartedly stopped by the other man.

"Told you he was mine"

"Just make sure you get him a collar and a leash, we won't be so lenient next time" With that the two men from the pound left them and he was quick to feel gentle hands stroking through his fur.

"Nice work" He had to try not to roll his eyes at the comment, especially when the other man held up a hand in lieu of a high five which he was happy to indulge given that the man had saved him, lifting up his own paw to press against the mans' hand.

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