Locker room (OhmToonz - NSFW)

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Luke kept on a smile as he answered question after question from various student bodies about their latest victory, one that signified them as this season's champions and himself as the player of the season.

Under normal circumstances, he'd be happy to answer any and every question people wanted to interview him with, but he knew he had someone waiting for him back in the locker room, someone who would probably chew him out for taking so long.

The rest of the team had already made it inside to begin clearing up, each of them eager to go and celebrate in their own way, leaving him as the only person bar the coach and a few straggling students left on the field.

As soon as the woman in front of him said she was done with her questions he turned to run in the direction of the locker rooms, ignoring the other couple of people who had begun to approach him in an effort to speak to him.

When he finally got inside he wasn't surprised to see it empty, sure in the fact that everyone had already been and gone. However, for a fleeting moment, he thought that Ryan may have already left, and he felt a slight painful tug at his chest at the thought, but it was then he heard that one of the showers were still on. Without wasting another moment, he disrobed, quickly grabbing his towel before making his way to the shower in question.

Luke pulled back the curtain to see Ryan leaning with one arm against the wall, his head resting against it and letting out a small whine as he fucked himself with three fingers. His breath hitched at the sight, unsure whether to look at Ohm fucking himself or how his face would twist in pleasure when he hit his prostate just right.

He cast his towel to the side and began to palm himself, more than happy to watch the scene in front of him. However, he couldn't stop his muttered curse when a particular movement had the smaller man in front of him letting out a muffled cry into his arm, and he soon found Ryans' eyes on him, hating how he felt his dick twitch in his hand at the fact that he was caught.

Ryan just gave him a breathy smile before pulling his fingers out of him as he moved away from the wall to instead walk towards him. As soon as the smaller man was close enough he reached forward to pull him close against him, ignoring Ryan's protest as he gently kissed him.

He tried to deepen the kiss by moving his tongue across Ryans' bottom lip, only the younger man just laughed a little before pulling away, but not without looping his arms around his neck to keep them close.

"You took your time"

Luke just rolled his eyes as he ducked his head to begin pressing gentle kisses across Ryans' jaw, the other man leaning his head back to give him more access.

"Not my fault everyone and their mum wanted to talk to me"

"Mmmm, my star player" Ryan then pulled Luke away from his throat so that he could lean forward to kiss him, this time he readily opened his mouth to grant him access, which he eagerly explored, all the while Luke slowly moved them so that they were under the showers spray.

Now it Lukes' turn to pull away, aiming a warm smile at the other man whilst his hand came up to cup at his cheek.

"Well, if it wasn't for that fuckin' legendary tier throw you gave me, we wouldn't have won, so if anythin', you're the star player here" Ryan simply chuckled, giving him a bright smile whilst he felt a hand begin to tease through his hair.

"You sure know what to say to make a guy swoon" With the grip in his hair Ryan pulled him closer to connect their lips again, it was slow and languid and perfect, but a hand beginning to stroke his dick caused him to break away from the kiss slightly to let out a breathy moan. Luke now moved his hands to rest on the other man's hips in an attempt to somewhat balance himself as Ryan kept stroking him, trying to gain some control back over the situation.

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