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((I'm sorry it took me so long to do this, some things had happened lately but I have finally found the time to continue))

We had finally pulled up to my long drive way. I could see both the huge doors to my house were wide open. There was no movement in the front of the house and it was all quiet. I look back at who was left. Daniel was next to Alexis, and next to her was Brooklyn. Before Erika was tagging along but her boyfriend was able to get in touch with her and had picked her up from us. He had told us there was a safe point being made and locked down near the west side of North Carolina. It would be a 4 hour drive.

I sigh a bit ready to go in. I turn my head to Daniel, "Daniel... Can you look after the girls while I run in..?" He nods and replies "don't mind me, I can take care of them. Don't get yourself killed though.."

I nod and feel a slight tug on my sleeve. I look over seeing Brooklyn with watery eyes. "Dear... Don't worry... I'll be ok, I'll be back as soon as I can.. You'll see." I caress her cheek gently brushing the tears from her eyes. I turn back around and open the car door to get out then close it. I start to walk up to the house "god... It smells like... Iron... Like blood..." I gulp a bit knowing that there was going to be something in my house. I walk closer and I suddenly hear a familiar voice along with a click of a powerful pellet rifle "STAY THE FUCK AWAY!!!" I freeze and reply "m-mom?! Is that you?!" I hear the hesitation in her voice "a-Anthony...? You're alive..?" I walk closer to the door and see her siting up agains the wall inside in front of the door way. I run to her "mom! I thought you were..." I stop in my footsteps right when I enter the house ".... Dead..." I saw at least 7 bite marks on her, small and big. I then look beside her with my brother and step father both dead. Tears weld up in my eyes not from the sight of my brother or father but from the sight of my mother with only moments of life left. "M-mom... Y-you're...." She looks up at me with that kind smile she so rarely showed "hush my dear... I know..." I try so hard to hold back my tears and I kneel right beside her and pull her into a hug "m-mom...." My tears were out of control falling "I... I could have saved you..." I say holding onto her close. I don't know what I was expecting. I guess I would have expected her to say 'it's ok, I'm going to go to a better place.' But when she spoke, her voice was broken as she was crying to "Anthony... I-I'm so scared..." My eyes widened when she said that. I felt like I was losing something so important even though it was right there. "MOM!" I shout closing my eyes tight "t-they're waiting for you..." I say not sure if there was a heaven or hell. "Tell me again mom.. About how beautiful it will be there..." I looked at her and her eyes started to cloud up. I knew she could not see now. She started "it will be warm.. And bright..." I smile with tears streaming down my face "yes mom... That's it.. And everyone will be there... Tell me about the pain..." I'm saw her smile as she replied "yes! There will be no pai-" her words stopped as I put a pellet right in her head. I was standing in front of her and soon dropped to my knees "m-mom..." It took me a while to get myself together. I stood up with the gun and took the extra pellets with me. My brother had my katana on his person though it was never used. I took it too then I looked at my dead family one last time. There was no time for a burial for them. I finally stood up straight and headed back to the car. Daniel unlocked the door "great! You made it back!" He said "I'm guessing your family made it out..?" I look at him "yah..they made it out.." I say smiling.

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