JD x Veronica: Jackal and Hyde AU

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3rd person POV at about 1 a.m.

It's nighttime when JD finds his way through Veronica's window, barely containing his emotions. Looking at Veronica peacefully sleeping, he looks down at his hands in shame for even thinking about waking his sweet angel up over his problems. He sinks onto the foot of her bed as he finally lets loose all his tears, no longer being able to control himself. The sound of rustling sheets startles him and he looks up to see his girlfriend sitting there beside him, looking at him with a mixture of concern and some disbelief. Out of all the years they've been together, he's never cried once, not even when his father died but that's to be expected.
JD stares at Veronica for a few moments, trying to determine if he should tell her what's eating at him or if he should just leave right then and there.
In a flourish, he collapses into her, hugging her waist as a scared child would and with a few shaky breaths, he finally starts to tell her his problem.
"I-I'm scared of myself Veronica... every time I go to sleep I'm scared I'll be swimming in a sea of blood when I wake up."
He pauses to collect his thoughts, wanting to word this accurately to how he's thinking.
"There's this dark side in me that threatens to get out if I don't mentally suppress it often. Like... like it's going to overtake me at any moment and I'll accidentally kill everyone I love."
He looks up and stares at Veronica straight in the eyes as he says, "Like I'll accidentally kill you."
JD looks down in shame as he sees her eyes widen in fear.
"Do... do you get what I mean darling?" he finishes. Hoping that she'll put aside her fear enough to understand what he meant.
Her hands shake as she quickly grasps his hands.
"JD, I-I think I get what you're trying to say but I don't quite get what this all means... "
She pauses to think about her next words.
"Have-Have you been taking your medicine? The one the psychiatrist recommended? Are you still seeing him?"
JD's hopeful face falls as he realizes that she didn't understand at all what he was trying to say, that her usually clear thoughts are clouded by fear.
"I... no darling. I ran out. He keeps calling me to remind me to refill it but... they make me tired and if I'm tired I can't work and if I can't work I can't help support you..."
He continues to ramble on and on about the overdramatic consequences of being on the medicine and Veronica finds herself timing when she should call the psychiatrist to schedule another appointment and when she should refill his medicine.
"JD, I was waiting to tell you this but my mom had one of the guest rooms cleaned out for you so you 'didn't have to be in my room at night all the time'. I'll show you it and you can get some sleep. Then, when we're both thinking clearly, we'll look at some options together. Okay?"
Veronica looked at JD with a look that said: "I love you but I just wanna get some sleep right now." JD gave her a slight smile to cover up his sudden fear of being alone and begrudgingly stepped over to the door, walking down the hall with Veronica guiding him.
Stopping at the door, she turns to him and places a soft kiss to his forehead.
"I'll be just down the hall if you need me," she prompts, starting to saunter down the hall to her own room.
"Wait-" JD whisper-yells, quickly grasping her wrist with his shaking hands.
"You... You know I love you Veronica a-and I'd never want to put you in danger... but I feel like I'm running out of options here darling. Will you lay down with me? J-Just until I fall asleep?" JD continues.
Veronica looks at the boy that she's loved for what seems like forever now but has really been about a year and comes to the conclusion that now's not the time to be afraid but the time to be comforting and a support to him.
"Of course, babe," Veronica replies. "Scoot over."
Veronica slowly gets into the covers and JD grasps their hands together tightly.
"I really do love you, darling," JD says.
"I really do love you too babe, " she says back.
'Once he's asleep, I can finally call his psychiatrist and figure out what's happening.' she thinks as the male beside her slowly drifts off with his consciousness... but Veronica was already tired and slowly drifted off as well.

*Time skip to about 30 minutes later (about 2:00 a.m.)*

JD tosses and turns in his sleep, mumbling "Veronica, no!" and "stay away from her!" but there is no one conscious enough to notice and save him from his nightmares... or, rather, his other personality.

*Time skip to about an hour later (3:00 a.m.)

The sound of sheets rustling falls on unconscious ears as he looks to his side and gives a light chuckle. Giving her shoulder a few shoves, Veronica finally awakens and instantly wraps him in a hug, thinking that he had awakened her because of a nightmare. His shoulders shake as a chuckle resonates from him, getting louder and louder and louder until Veronica can't handle her confusion and finally cups his face between her hands, trying to get a better look at her boyfriend, to get eye contact or something from him... Only to find eyes that were not her boyfriends in their place. This person's eyes were harsh and cold, not like the usual soft and teasing eyes that her boyfriend has. Looking him up and down, she sees that he has JD's clothes, his physique, his hairstyle... so how are his eyes not the same?
Feeling cold hands wrap around her wrists, she quickly releases his face in shock.
"My sweet Veronica... how you put your trust in me so blindly when I clearly said I didn't even trust myself," he said.
Hearing this, Veronica desperately tries to wrench her hands from his grasp his vain.
'JD had obviously wanted me to take those defensive classes for a reason and I didn't push him to tell me why but this must be it. ...sorry babe.'
Veronica messily brought her elbow up and hit his chin, startling him, and quickly moved away from the bed.
"Aw, babe! I didn't know you took my advice!" he sarcastically exclaimed, getting off the bed and trying to grab her again.
Veronica didn't waste time in talking and simply kicked his legs out from underneath him, grabbing his wrists, holding them behind his back, and sitting on his back to make sure he wasn't able to get up.
"Babe. I think these symptoms are going to stay for only a little while longer... hang in there Jason," she says calmly, trying to visually look for something to tie his hands with.
'Well, look at the time." He turns his head as he says this and gives her a smirk. "It's almost time for Dean-y boy to come back... what a shame," he continues and starts to chuckle. "I would've loved to see his reaction when he finally came to, waking up and seeing his body drenched in the blood of his beloved... that would've been a sight to see," he finishes and lets out a crazed laugh, causing Veronica to tighten her hold on his wrists.
"Do me a favor babe. When you see 'Jason Dean' again tell him I'll always be inside him, whether he has all the antipsychotics in the world or if he finally gets a therapist worth listening too, I'm always there in his subconscious, waiting. Always."
He quiets down for a minute, followed by soft snoring. It turns into thirty. It turns into an hour.
Veronica hesitantly gets off of him and slowly drags him to the bed, lifting him up with her last bit of strength and laying him down.
She collapses on the bed beside him and warns, "Listen, pal, if you kill me in my sleep when I haven't even gotten a chance to get a good night's sleep, I will personally haunt you til the day you die... and that's a promise."
With that said, she rolls over and finally goes to sleep and the first thing the next day, they go see the psychiatrist.

Date made: 3/24/19

Date finished: 3/27/19

Word count: 1,415

A/N: Hi my little bumblebees! I hope you enjoy this. I thought of this randomly and even though I didn't really do great with the dual personalities side of things, I hope you guys still like it. Also, Veronica really is a good girlfriend in this! Just because she has a lot of fear and wants to think things out before becoming irrational in this does not make her a bad girlfriend, in my opinion. :) I was going to make this into a reader insert at first but decided not to so tell me what you think! Constructive criticism is welcome and please vote and comment!

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