Chapter: 7

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A/n: Hello, it's the author, I just finished updating one of my other stories. I know I haven't updated lately, but here I am. The updates will be incredibly slow. Sorry, but it had to be done. School is making me very busy these days. Enjoy.  -Friend

The next day, I was happily on my way to my new school building. I had received a few glares and mockery smirks, but I ignored them. I opened the door and sweatdropped at the sight before me. A pile of boxed snacks were piled up on Koro-sensei's desk. I turned to Nagisa for answers, but it seemed that he too was confused.

"Ohayo Yuki-san."

"Ohayo Karma-kun." I replied, before directing my gaze to the snacks. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"Well, we were supposed to bring snacks for a lab we were supposed to do-"

"Wait.... I FORGOT THE SNACKS!" I cried, interrupting him.

"As I was saying..." Karma said, playfully glaring at me. "He took all of them."

"Really? Aw man, he has onigiris in the pile." I groaned, starting to get hungry from the sight of my favorite food. I let my head hit the table as a desperate attempt to not drool.

(Time Skip, cause i'm lazy)

I silently watch Kayano and Nagisa interact with each other. Even though I don't really trust her, i ship them both. (Sorry for any Karmgisa shippers out there, but I love this ship, and this is a Karma X Oc story) Karma noticed my far-off stare, and sat next to me. Nothing was going to prepare me for what was going to happen next.


I jumped, as i wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. When I manages to regain my composure, Karma was on the ground laughing his lungs out. My face blushed a deep red, befoe a frown settled upon my facial features. "YAH! AKABANE KARMA, THAT WASN'T FUNNY!!"

NAgisa approached us, face full of confusion. "Yuki-chan?" He asked with uncertainty. "What's wrong with Karma-kun?"

"Tbh, I don't really know myself." I confessed, while watching the red head die of laughter. That's when i spotted something in Karma's hand. His phone was on. I took a better look, before seeing that he took a video. "Karma-kun! Give. Me. Your. Phone." I said, jumping as high as I could get to reach for the phone.

"Not until you call me Karma. With no honorifics."

"LIKE HELL I'LL DO THAT!!!" I screeched.

"Maybe I should send this to the whole school." Karma said. "Maybe the internet."

"Than what are you going to say shortie?"


"Wha-?" Karma spluttered, completely caught off guard.

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