Dark Ice: Epilogue, The End?

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Gray I

The snow fell heavily, it was like a blizzard. The cold was unbearable, yet so much chaos occurred. Many injured, many dead, and many still battling within an inch of their lives. What the hell is this? Gray Fullbuster asked himself as he watched men, women, and children rip each other apart. They were battering and beating against each other under a sunless sky with only a scar of bright light hanging in the bat-black sky. The ice mage couldn't comprehend what was happening, he felt lost. However, it somehow felt familiar, like the fire that drew him in and showed him a vision that brought him, terror.

His eyes peeked back only to come to a view of a familiar scarf. The scarf sat on top of bones that were buried under the falling snow. Natsu's scarf, the ice mage thought. Suddenly his fingers felt numb, and he knew then it was happening again. He was afraid, afraid to look down, afraid to see his fingers, afraid to let what happened the last time recur. However, he couldn't help himself, he looked down and he felt the mind-numbing pain the struck him as his fingers began to fall apart prompting balefire-red blood to splatter from his gaping wounds.

Gray was snarling and squealing as the ground became greasy with gore. However, fortunately for the cold mage, he woke. He was almost out of breath, having experienced such terror again. Upon heading his loud squeals, Cana stormed into his chamber, her worried expression hiding the morning sky that would have blinded Gray. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" She asked him.

Gray took a glance over at his fingers once more, thankful that he had only been dreaming. Ever since he's seen that vision in the flames, the reoccurring dream would have him restless at night, pondering over what it meant. "I'm fine," he told her. She scuffed seeing right through his lies. "Quit bullshitting," she told him. "No... really, I'm fine," he reiterated. She would nod with disbelief, soon leaving him be. He looked down at his fingers once more. Why do I keep having that same dream? He asked himself.

It had been two fortnights since the battle for Fiore had taken place, the people were still recovering. Magnolia had taken quite a hit but it was being rebuilt by its new inhabitants. After the Chautari was defeated, all the humans who had taken refuge on Tenrou Island began to return and Inhabit the empty towns, and begin reconstruction. New world leaders had been chosen by the people and among those leaders was Levy McGarden as the new Mayor of Magnolia.

Princess Hisui E. Fiore had taken the throne as it was her right being the previous King's daughter. She'd been named Queen of the Kingdom and she didn't waste time with working to bring the chaotic Kingdom of Fiore back to how it used to be, of course, she had a long way to go before Fiore was the place her late father dreamed it could be again. Though with Levy's help there was no doubt in Gray's mind they could accomplish Toma's dream; the dream Lyon died for.

After his death, Gray had given Lyon a proper burial next to the grave he created for his late master Ur. He'd like to think they were together now, but he knew the truth. They were gone, and there was nothing waiting for them.

The demons had taken refuge on Tenrou Island, though it was now considered to be a part of Fiore; the town in the middle of the seas. Things were seemingly starting to look up for a world that had gotten dark in a span of six years. Though the concept of peace didn't come free, there was always a price, the iron price. Whilst Fiore rebuilt its civilization Gray felt a storm coming in the near future. There's a war coming, I don't know when, I don't know where, or even who, but it's coming, He thought to himself.

A young man walked into Gray's chambers carrying a letter in hand. "My lord," said the young man. Gray cringed, turning back towards the boy, "Don't call me that," he said to him harshly. "Right, I'm sorry," the boy responded timidly. "There's a message for you, from the Mayor," the boy uttered. "You've been summoned to the Mayor's tower to attend a meeting with the Queen and her small council," the boy added. "... I thought I told Levy to keep me out of that crap," Gray whispered to himself. "Alright, tell her I'll be there," Gray replied. He was a bit annoyed.

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