Chp 5: Fight pt 1/2

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Selena:(walks up with Justin smiling)

Demi:(laughs) What is up you two?

Justin:(smiles) You tell her 

Selena:(smiles bigger) No you 

Jasmine: One of you tell us 

Jelena: We are getting elloped(smiles) 

Demi:(eyes widen) WHAT?!?

Selena:(smile fades) What?

Demi: Are you stupid? I mean you are a freshman in College only 18 not 25 you are acting like an-

Miley:(sees Selena run off) Demi

Demi: I am right

Selena:(runs off in tears)

Justin: Why did you do that??

Demi: I knew you were never good for her

Justin: And I always knew you were a bitch(runs after Selena)

Demi:(gasps then walks away with Niall) I mean I am not the only one who finds this dumb right?

Niall: You just have to be supportive of her baby

Demi:(angry) You are supportive of this

Niall: No but-

Demi: I am your girlfriend you are supposed to agree with me not them simple as that(walks ahead)

-With Selena-

Selena:(crying) I-I thought she would support me

Miley:(hugs her) Shh she just doesn't understand it

Selena: I love you Justin and I want to marry you I wanted her to be my maid of honors(sniffs then gets angry) Fine you will be Miley will you do the honor of being the witness?

Miley: I would be honored(hugs her again) Lets go get you a pretty dress

Selena: I want to go tomorrow I am tired

Miley:(nods walks back with Selena and Justin)

Jasmine: You okay sweetie?


Logan: I agree with Demi you are too young

Selena: Shove it Lerman(gets in the car and they drive to the hotel)

-Back in the Hotel-

Selena:(laughing with Miley and Jasmine sees Demi) Hello Demetria

Demi: Selena(reading) sorry I am reading a book to prepare myself for college which us un-wedded  teenagers should be doing not getting married

Selena: Prude(walks to her room)

Demi:(gasps) You did not just call me a prude

Selena:(pretends to think) I think I did

Demi: You are being stupid

Selena: No I am in love and I am getting married to my love

Demi: People this young should not marry I mean think about Nick and Miley(covers her mouth)

Miley: What?(glares at her) What did you say

Demi: I mean you guys are-

Miley: Not even Demi

Jasmine: I agree honestly(sighs) I mean I want explore the world before I settle down. I am young and there is a whole world out there

Miley:(laughs) Yeah because you are a slut

Jasmine: Excuse me bitch?

Miley:(gets in her face) You heard me

Demi: Lets switch roommates Cyrus and Gomez

Miley: Lovato and Villegas

Girls: FINE(switch rooms)

Selena:(growls) I cant believe her I mean we are supposed to be best friends

Miley: Yeah I know what you mean(growls) lets get food I mean I am hungry

Selena:(smiles) Yeah(walks out with her sees Nick and Justin walk out) Date night anybody?

Nick: We haven't been on a date night in a while Mi

Miley: Yeah(kisses him and cuddles into him)

Justin:(grabs Selena)Are you in a fight with Demi?

Selena: Who?(walks ahead)

Justin:(surprised) Wow(follows behind)

Demi:(heard it is really hurt lets a tear out)

Jasmine:(looks at her) Hey wanna go to the hotel bar and have a karoake night?

Demi:(nods walks out with her)

-With Jelena and Niley-

Selena:(reads the menue) Omg there is a karoeke thing tonight

Miley: I love that(squeels)

Justin:(gasps) Miley Ray squeeling


Miley:(hits him)

Demi:(walks in with Jasmine sees them) Oh look if it isn't Slutrus

Miley: If it ain't Hovato

Nick: Miley Demi guys stop

Justin: Yeah guys

Selena: No

Woman: Yo guys now we have some people signed up for Karoake

Selena: Brb(runs signs Justin, Nick, Miley, and herself down runs back)Yep

Woman: First Jasmine

Jasmine: Watch how its done(walks past and walks to the stage (belts Airplanes out and the crowd goes crazy)

Woman:(smiles) WOW first good singer here in a while(people gasp in audience) you know its true next Demi 

Demi:(walks up) My turn(looks to the group) This is how a good singer sings(belts out Titanium and crowd goes crazy) 

Woman: NICE(crowd cheers) Next Miley Cyrus 

Miley: I didn't I dont sing 

Demi: nervous to follow me up 

Miley:(walks up grabs the mic) Play Rock n'Roll(belts it out and crowd goes crazier) BAM

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