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"I'm home." Jungkook yelled as he closed and locked the front door behind him. "Prince?" Jungkook questioned when Taehyung didn't respond or come greet him like he usually would if Jungkook went somewhere without him.

Jungkook shrugged, thinking Taehyung might have went to sleep and walked to the living room, laying down on the sofa with Miri and Yeontan play fighting on the floor.

Jungkook turned on the television and started watching some random film that were already halfway finished as Yeontan and Miri made weird dog noises while they played.

Jungkook turned his head when the floor creaked behind the sofa. "Prince?" Jungkook questioned and almost got a heart attack when the one that made a small noice before, jumped him.

"You scared me!" Jungkook exclaimed as Taehyung straddled him, a big grin on his face and his pupils larger than normal.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and pulled Taehyung down so he could kiss him, easily tasting the alcohol. "Are you drunk?"

Taehyung lifted his hand and showed a little space between his fingers while he closed on eye. "Just a little bit." He said, his words slurred a bit.

Jungkook turned his head to the coffee table and only now noticed the wineglass resting on the table.

"Who the heck allowed you to drink wine? You always go over the top when you get wine."

"I was bored." Taehyung whined. "You weren't home."

Jungkook shook his head and pulled Taehyung to lay on top of him instead of straddling him, a leg on each side of Jungkook.

"I was just at our shop, you could've come with me but you didn't want to when I asked you." Jungkook told as Taehyung was playing with his hair, probably not even listening to what Jungkook had just said.

"Aish, what am I going to do with you?" Jungkook questioned as Taehyung made his hair stand. "You're a unicorn." Taehyung told as he looked at Jungkooks hair with big eyes, having ruffled some of Jungkooks hair between his hands to make it stand, Jungkook snickered.

"You're usually really wild and crazy when you're drunk, but right now you're just being really cute." Jungkook commented.

"I'm not thaaat drunk." Taehyung defended.

"Oh really?" Jungkook questioned. "What's your name then?"

"Prince." Taehyung replied with a big grin on his face.

Jungkook shook his head, chuckling softly and pulling Taehyung closer. "Close enough." Jungkook mumbled into Taehyungs shoulder.

"But why did you get drunk in the first place?" Jungkook questioned.

"Jimin and Hoseok came over and gave us wine as a gift and then I wanted to taste it." Taehyung explained.

"Ah, so they wanted you to get drunk." Jungkook mumbled. "I wonder why." Jungkook continued thoughtfully.

"Does it matter?" Taehyung questioned as he grabbed one of Jungkooks hands and started playing with his fingers, Jungkook watched him with a fond smile on his lips.

"No, I just think it's a bit weird and I know you'll have a pretty bad hangover."

"Kookie." Taehyung mumbled against Jungkooks shirt, the fabric soft on Taehyungs lips as he buried his face in it.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked alarmed when he felt his shirt get wet.

"Don't be mad at me." Taehyung whispered.

"I could never get mad at my prince." Jungkook told with a frown on his face as he sat up, Taehyung now in his lap.

"Don't hate me." Taehyung continued.

Jungkook took Taehyungs face in his hands. "I could never hate my prince and nothing you could ever say would make me hate yo-"

"I'm pregnant."

Taehyung quickly hid his face in Jungkooks shirt and let out a small sob.

"Really? Was it just that? Aish Prince, I was afraid you were going to say you cheated on me or something." Jungkook sighed.

Taehyung lifted his head and looked at Jungkook. "I would never!"

"I know, I'm sorry." Right after Jungkook said that, something clicked. "Why the fuck are you drunk when you're pregnant?" Jungkooks face filled with worry.

Taehyung looked down and played with one of Jungkooks hands again.

Jungkook took Taehyungs slightly bigger hand in his, stopping him from playing with his own. "Tell me."

"I didn't know how to tell you and I didn't want you to be mad at me."

Jungkook smiled fondly and caressed Taehyungs cheek. "I could never be angry at my prince but please don't drink when you're pregnant."

Taehyung nodded and leaned his head on Jungkooks shoulder, finally relaxing.

"Wait, how far are you?" Jungkook questioned.

"Remember the day after we went clubbing?" Taehyung questioned.

"When we went home and did it again, so I could top?"

"Yeah, you were literally butt hurt because I manhandled you." Taehyung giggled and Jungkook shook his head.

"I guess I was just that drunk, I don't even remember anything."

"I didn't in the start but I remember now, if you want me to tell you about it, I can."

"No, I want to forget that I let my prince manhandle me."

"I like being bottom, so don't worry." Taehyung clarified, still pretty drunk.

"Good." Jungkook mumbled into Taehyungs ear and pecked his earlobe.

"I can't believe it." Jungkook whispered.

"What?" Taehyung whispered back.

"My Prince is pregnant, something i though would never be possible happened and I'm so happy." Jungkook explained and held Taehyung closer.

Taehyung smiled and also held Jungkook tighter. "I'm just happy that you aren't mad or disgusted."

"I could never." Jungkook clarified and caressed Taehyungs back.

"I love you." Taehyung whispered into Jungkooks ear and kissed from the back of his ear to his collarbone.

"I love you too, Prince." Jungkook whispered back and closed his eyes, liking Taehyungs warm lips against his burning hot skin.

"Do you want to go to bed?" Jungkook questioned and opened his eyes to look at his beautiful boyfriend.

"No, we have to find a way to tell our parents." Taehyung told.

"Even when you're drunk you think further than me." Jungkook snickered. "But let's just text them and they'll come by themselves and probably with a bunch of questions."

"Okay." Taehyung replied simply and connected his lips with Jungkooks.

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