Chapter 1

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*First day of Year 1: 9 September, 2000*

I walked to down the hall of my new school, St. Kenny's, with my mum. This was so scary for me because I didn't want to start school yet! There's too many people bigger than me!

I was only 3'5 when I started year 1, so I was quite smaller than a lot of people.

"You will be fine, Chrissie," Mum said to me, patting me on the back while I walked into my classroom.

The classroom was set up all nicely and neat. It had 20 desks set up around the room with name tags.

It took me a little while, but I eventually found it. I sat down in my chair right in the second row next to the door.

"Bye, Chrissie. I'll be back at 3 o'clock to pick you up," Mum said kissing me cheek and exiting my classroom.

A little girl sat next to me. She looked a little bit like me: short, blonde, curly hair, skinny, and very very short.

I decided that I should make a friend, so I did. "Hi, I'm Chrissie," I said to her. "Hi, I'm Holly," she said to me.

We started to talk a little bit, until the teacher came to the front of the room. She was scary looking. She was very tall, she wore a pencil skirt and a blouse and a bun on the top of her head. She also wore glasses and her nose was very pointy.

"Good morning lads and girls," she said in a boring tone. "My name is Ms. O'Hara."

The class went silent. You could hear pin drops from outside. "You lads may be in year one, but you're going to work your arses off whether ya like it or not!" Ms. O'Hara scolded, with her very thick Irish accent.

"No wonder she's a miss and not a mistress," I whispered to Holly. She started laughing softly.


"I don't know... Do you?" Holly said aloud.

"That's it. Christine and Holly come outside now," O'Hara demanded. I was a nervous wreck. It was the first day and I was already in trouble! I wasn't used to this either since I'm way too shy to even raise my hand in class.

"It's Chrissie," I said silently, but loud enough so she could hear me. I hated my first name. "Christine". It sounded too old and proper for me. "Whatever..." she said.

As she was yelling her head off saying every word in the book, I glanced to the room a crossed the hall. It was the Year 3 room. A boy caught my eye. He was a very pretty boy with blue eyes and brown hair. He looked my way and waved and I blushed. And that's when I got my first crush.

"You two. Sit here for five minutes," she said.

"Okay!" we said in unison.

She went back inside and slightly closed the door, so there was a little crack.

"Hey, who was that waving to you?" Holly whispered.

"I don't know his name, but he looks cute," I said, putting emphasis on the "u".

"Well, you gotta find out!" she said.

"But how?"

"Okay, so you go to school early tomorrow morning. Hide somewhere so he doesn't see you, then bump into him and ask him for his name."

"Where'd you come up with that idea?"

"I saw it on the telly! I forget the program, but I saw it!"

"I don't know if I should-"

"Do it! he seems nice."

"Okay, fine."

We sat there, giggling about it for the remainder of time, then she called us back in.

"Finally," Holly said, grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

*10 September, 2000*

The next day, I wanted to see when he came to school, so I went extra early.

I woke up at 6am that morning and walked to school since it wasn't that far away. Right by the entrance, there was a bush, so I hid in there until the boy came.

I was sitting in the bushes for about two hours when I saw him walking up the walkway to the front door. I walked out and ran up to him, "accidentally" bumping into him. He was a lot taller than me. It really surprised me! I couldn't help but look at him now. He looked so beautiful.

"Hey... Are you okay? " he asked me. I loved his voice so much. " I think I'm okay," I stuttered. "Are you that girl in year 1 I saw yesterday?" he asked me. "YES! I mean...yeah I think so. I'm Chrissie McDermott," I said very shyly. "I'm Niall Horan," he said giving me a friendly handshake. My stomach got full of butterflies as he walked into his classroom right across the hall from mine.

During recess, I decided to write a letter to Niall.

Dear Niall,

Hello! How are you? I am grate if you wer wondering. Wut is it like in year 3? Is it hard? And was year 1 easy or hard? Did you have Miss O'Hara like me? I don't like her. She is to meen and evil like a wich. I hope we can becum good frends. I reelly like you Niall. Tank you fer being nice to me outside today.

Love forever,

Chrissie McDermott

I was wondering if I should actually send it, but I wasn't sure. I wanted him to read it though.

When we got back inside, I put it in my bag and anxiously waited to go home.

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