Chapter 15

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Taehyung's POV

(Day 4)

"Jennie Yahhhh!!" I called her

"Yah, Waeyo??" She came to me and asked

"Hug me" I said and smiled. She frowned

"Seriously! Why do you need to shout, I thought something bad had happen to you" She said and crossed her arms

"Sorry. Now hug me!" I said and she rolled her eyes

"I can't, I need to go cook food" She said

"I don't need food I need you~" I said and pouted

"You're not eating, I am" She said and I crossed my arms while pouting

"Ok then Go! If you're gonna ask me to hug you I won't" I said and she chuckled

She then sat on my lap and encircled her arms on my neck.

"Yah Tae I'm just joking" She hugged me and kissed my cheeks

I hugged her back and she just chuckle at how I'm acting. I just want to be close to her.

"To be honest I'm kinda hungry" I said and she looked at me with furrowed eyebrows

"I thought you needed me?" She said and I just smiled at her

"I need food and you" I said and she just nodded

"Ok then I'll go cook now" She said while getting up but I pulled her down

"Don't go" I said and hugged her

"You said you needed food" She asked

"Yeah but, is there a way for you to cook without us parting away?" I asked and she just chuckled

"Tae we both know there is no way" She said

"Ugh Fiinnneee" Is aid lazily

She got up and went to the kitchen.


After a few minutes she finished making food. She placed it on the Living Room, I ate and she just looked at me. I fed her and she smiled.

"Thank You" I said and she smiled. I hugged her and she hugged back


We just finished travelling from here to there. We took so many pictures for memories. We printed all the photos on the photo paper and placed it inside a photo album.

She hugged me and I smiled.

"I Love You Okay?" She said and I smiled

"I Love You Too. Don't leave me okay?" I said and I felt her nudge

I carresed her cheeks and kissed her forehead, both of her cheeks, her chin, her nose and finally her lips.

We pulled away and we smiled at each other.

We went to our room and slept there cuddling.

Sorry for the short chapter!

But thank you for reading.




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