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livmontgomery stolen skateboard from @colbybrock398,786 likes1,678 comments

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stolen skateboard from @colbybrock

username: okay they're finally hanging out

username1: hOW cUTe

username2: i want her with kian tho:/

jccaylen: @username2 me 2 :/

colbybrock: u look pretty cute

livmontgomery: @colbybrock ah shoot, i'm blushin:)

samgolbach: ur so cool! glad we got to meet!

livmontgomery: @samgolbach sam ur too pure

jakewebber9: @colbybrock wait is this the girl? shoot she cute

colbybrock: @jackwebber9 i know i told u

livmontgomery: @colbybrock aw babe u talk about me to ur friends how cute

colbybrock: @livmontgomery get outta here !!

username4: SHE CALLED HIM BABe !!!!!!

livmontgomery: @username4 it was a joke, yall needa relax

colbybrock: @livmontgomery you've done it now

jakewebber9 followed livmontgomery

coreysherer followed livmontgomery

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