when colby arrived at the hospital he was informed that liv was stable but she wasn't currently conscious. he had to wait to see her. colby sighed as he sat impatiently in the waiting area.
"colby!" a loud voice boomed as he looked up to see kian lawley running quickly towards him. although the two weren't the best of friend, kian pulled colby into a tight hug.
"how is she? have you seen her?" kian quickly asked, colby let out a sigh and shook his head.
"no, they said she's stable and they have to run a few more tests. how did you know?" colby asked, as if the crash wasn't already begin report on every news station.
"they called me, said i was her secondary emergency contact or some shit, i don't know. let me guess you were her first. i'm not surprised." kian sadly smiled, as he sat down quietly.
"have you told sam, and jake? corey? they'll want to know" kian asked, colby's heart fell to his stomach.
"shit." he groaned as he quickly whipped out his phone. he quickly called sam, and explained the situation. even kian could hear sam begin to cry from the other end of the line. colby hung up shortly after.
"colby brock?" a nurse had emerged from the hall way, colby stood quickly and approached her.
"she isn't conscious, but you can see her now. one person at a time." she stated solemnly as she looked to kian. kian sent colby a small nod and the nurse led her back to livs room.
"she's pretty banged up, and she has a concussion, just a warning." the nurse stated.
"no need, she's perfect all the time." colby let it slip, as he ran to livs side and quickly grabbed her hand. the nurse smiled softly and walked away.
"i'm so glad you're okay. i couldnt even move when i heard about it. all i could think about was everything i didn't tell you. the minute you wake up, we won't waste another second." colby began to ramble as he squeezed her hand and studied her bruised face.
"i'll be here, right when you wake up, i promise. i'll never leave you again. i love you." he whispered. he suddenly felt a slight squeeze and heard a soft cough.
"hi" liv croaked out, as she managed to smile at colby. his eyes began to water and he scrambled towards her.
"it's so good to hear your voice." he sighed, as he kissed her forehead and caressed her face.
"i didn't get your chick fil a" liv chuckled slightly, as she set her hand on the side of his face. he shook his head and chuckled in disbelief.
"i'm so glad you were here, when i woke up." she admitted, as she looked away sheepishly.
"i'm so glad you wanted it to be me."
2 weeks laters
always there to take care of me
and yes i did take this picture ❥
59,829 commentscolbybrock: always ❥
username: we heard he was ur emergency comtact and the first at the hospital 🥺
livmontgomery: @username u would be right :)
usernmae1: this is literally all i've been waiting for
username2: honestly true love
username3: sucks that something bad had to happen to make them REALIZE but i think we got them back
jakewebber9: so glad u aren't dead
coreysherer: she was always getting US chick fil a and we have never felt more guilty EVER !!
livmontgomery: @coreysherer i will continue to take care of my boys no matter what
username4: ^^ my fav family
username5: her other emergency contact was kian so 🤧🥺 we love best friends
livmontgomery: @username5 TRU and he brought me chocolate and starbucks everyday, truly the best @kianlawly
kianlawley: that ain't no thang 😌