The Goddess And The Demon

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She found him broken
So lost so alone
His light dead for an age
A shell of a god

He was an angel
He had died many a time
His soul in pieces
She would raise him up

Return him to his godhood
Breathe the light into his soul
Bound together
Before time existed

A fated love
A blessed union
The greatest love story
Turned greatest tragedy

His arrogance
This god
This demon
Destroyer of worlds

A boy who died a thousand deaths
Brought to life by the girl
The girl with the stars in her eyes
Purer than light

He would die to save her
But would be her destruction
The love of loves

The cry would be heard
Beyond the great mountains
Over the seas
The kingdom has fallen

The king is dying
The queen is dead
The earth will cry in torment
The spirits will weep

The golden age
It has come to its end
There is no next page
And so shall the ground rend

The Girl With The Stars in Her EyesWhere stories live. Discover now