❤Episode 5 ❤- ❤ Monster Tasks ❤

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*Alarms go off as Miss Jang and Danuja run in the once 'hospital' section to find it in ruins. Each patient awake hugging one another despite injured but a certain group was gone (EXO). Miss Ruan, Mr.Hale, Sultan, and Miss Amar are found being healed by slug members*

Danuja: What happen?" *questions everyone outloud*

Choon: Park

Li: She went berserk

Sawa: She's the reason this place is a wreck

Astrid: I think she was possessed

Jura: They all were

Kyungmi: Even so we saw her leave with a pack of wolves

Bao: Yoon's gone too

Miss Jang: All slugs that aren't injured take care of those who are and Mr.Beck Mr.Hale tend to Sultan as best you can. We can not allow the principal to die on us

*Nodding they tend to the injured while Miss Jang and Mr.Vyn clean the mess camera glitches to see the words Two Weeks later in red then reveals Miss Jang showing Danuja the surveillance but the camera goes black once it reveals the EXO members eyes turn green. With a sigh Miss Jang hands Danuja a thick file*

Miss Jang: Your the only head member not injured in so this is yours to do

Danuja: *Skims through the file then shuts it and looks directly towards Miss Jang with a serious expression* What of the butterfly members?

Miss Jang: They've been assign the same task as your own with the exception of their objective being a far larger scale and a bull has decided to accompany you

*Camera reveals the word One week later in white then shows EXO with Park nowhere in sight and a female hanging by chains*

*Her white dress so long it touches the ground while the entire group seem to be in a circular formation around her many seem to be in a trance of some sort. The exceptions being Luhan and Tao with sorrow expressions as they look away from her and finally turn their backs on the rest. Camera glitches revealing Danuja careful to ensure the no longer sleeping beauty stays awake*

Danuja: Your not tied up anymore. We're here to assist you

???: Thank you but their not the ones who tied me up *Touches her head as if trying to recall what exactly happen only to fall*

*Danuja helps her stand up again this time she leans more towards him for assistance*

Danuja: Then who was it that brought you here?

???: It was them but they weren't the ones who tied me up

Danuja: Hye-seong ..... Did you see a red head with exotic skin?

Hye-seong: *Shakes head no* I'm sorry I don't remember seeing them

*Camera zooms out then zooms in on EXO members over thousands of corpses yet they're somehow separated and straighten up once the 'SWAT' reveal themselves. A double of themselves*

Baekhyun: How? *looks at the double confuse*

Li: Cloning

Xiumin: Not clones this is something else

Chen: Your hiding something from us

Jet: They're you

Admiral: No speaking to the wolves

Jet: But our objective is simple

Marble: Yeah no need to be so harsh

Chequered: Not all of us are good

*Butterfly members eyes glow green alongside Dahyun who smirks. Camera glitches once more revealing the lady and Danuja. To distracted by Dahyun the lady manages to pass a small note to one of the EXO members*

Danuja: Your clones come in handy but you should train more because then there won't be many 'casualties' *air qouting the word casualties*

Li: Yeah then again with all that's happen *trails off then looks over at Danuja* I'm glad I can be of some help atleast *smiles*

Danuja: *Opens car door allowing Li and Hye-seong* You two head back I'll drive the wolves directly there

Jet: *Nods* See you there then

Danuja: Also Li overworking your body isn't going to help your physical state. Try to improve in what you excell at and then some

Li: *Nods* Will keep into mind and don't worry about Ann here *points over to Hye-seong who's asleep once more*

Marble: Oh and that assignment of yours don't stray from it

Chequered: *Shuts the car door then hops in the car* You lost her twice already don't lose her once you find her again

Danuja: I understand

Admiral: Good *Car window goes up then drives off with the rest of Buttefly and the two females*

*Camera shows a couple of the guards hitch a ride along the back with the prisoners. When they finally settle down the Butteflies are out of sight. Danuja drives the opposite direction from it's original destination then makes a halt*

Guard: *Opens back of car door as the guard looks directly at them and flips the surveillance cameras off. Reveals face to show Baekhyun's double* Time to be one again

*Other guards nods then reveal theirselves to show their the EXO doubles and Nu'est then freeing each one hop out of the car*

Danuja: *Stands in front of them all with eyes narrowed* You have five minutes until they call

*The double strip theirselves of the SWAT outfits then holding a hand out to their wolf counterparts each glow a different color until they reveal one of each EXO member*

Danuja: Now tell me where's Park?

*Camera glitches showing Miss Jang concern expression as Danuja reveals the EXO members whole once more*

Miss Jang: I'm glad but I'm not behind this in fact I've no clue what exactly they want. You'll have to speak with Chadder and Beck until then *Is cut off by Zakari who proposes an idea*

Zakari: The members of Butterfly will be place into the comatose state we were place in

Miss Jang: *Nods* If that's what protects the students and staff members so be it

Imoogi: Put them to sleep in the Cryochamber as we place Park in

KM: It'll buy us some time

*All of Nu'est look over at Miss Jang who nods as Miss Mun enters*

Miss Jang: You're all dismissed *Nu'est leave*

Miss Mun: *Shuts the door and locks it* This place has been plagued by Miss Sultan so you need to step in instead

Miss Jang: I've been trying by firstly fixing the damage grounds

Miss Mun: Every Institute has it's patients but these are our students. If you don't put them first

Miss Jang: You graduated from here four years ago Mun what can you honestly do? Your an ex member of Slug. A peacemaker and weakest of all groups

Miss Mun: Once? Really? No I'll always be a member of the slugs. Whether you were once a butterfly or not don't you dare say my once group's the weakest

Miss Jang: Or you'll do what exactly? Bore me of my tactics? Speak to me about peace?

Miss Mun: I'll clip your wings off. Whether no one in our house has any abilities that will actually harm a person or not. We can still shred your wings to nothing so watch how you speak to me wench

*Someone knocks on the door*

Miss Mun: I'm done here now *unlocks the door walks out not long afterwards Hye-seong walks in with Mrs.Chadder and Mister Hale*

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