Chapter 28- Travel Time

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Lucien POV

"They said it'll take between one to three months for Reina's eyes to heal until then she'll needs these medications," I state as I hold Reina's medication to ease her pain while her eyes are healing. "So-ra should recover in about fourteen days," I state showing said prescriptions for her ears.

Yolanda nods understanding the labels completely after my forth explanation. "Now are you sure your okay with my little girls being here?" I ask her to which she brushes off.
"You and your change of english and spanish. Yes I'm sure," she insists taking the medication. "Now leave your friend's speaking with Jorge."

"Right," I nod still unsure then give my two girls one last glance. They're resting after their surgery, but will be fine overall. Though I'd love to stay with them, but I have to go over to South Korea and Australia. Should be a new experience since I've barely been able to explore on my free time.


"Luci!" I turn to look at Miruna. That's when I notice a group of seven boys with her. "Who are they?" Miruna gives me that, are you serious, look. "It's BTS. They're not only on the show, but we met them that time at the mall. You also forced me to wear a bikini. Oh the most important detail, I yelled at Yoongi because you were being slow with our food." She explains to me as if it'll rejog my memory.

"Oh," I muster to say then yawn and smack my face lightly to stay awake. "We have uhm ..... RM the one you were obsessed with. Suga's the Yoongi guy who looks great as a girl? And then we have Kookie and J-hope. Jin. Jimin. Oh and the alien V that has bad taste in clothes." She nods not even bothering to correct me on anything.

"I look great as a girl?" Yoongi asks out loud. Miruna giggles as she covers her mouth to hide her giggling. "You all look great as girls." She softly states hoping to not be heard, but I heard her. Biting back a smile I nod with my usual blank expression.

"Yes you all very much do I think I remember now," I snap my fingers together. "The first and last time I actually did research on you guys was in the dark side of social media. I found Yoongi as a maid, Yoongi as a Schoolgirl, Usagi RM, and Fairy V." I list off. "Fairy V and Maid Yoongi are my favorites if I were to rank them."

Miruna looks away as she keeps giggling. "Don't forget about Jin dressed in a beautiful dress that didn't zip up all the way because of his masculine body, which he had to run in," She says once she stops giggling and catches her breath.
"Okay so ...... Now that we're here ..... Can I sleep?" I question her despite us just arriving. I miss hibernating in the winter time. I know my girls are safe while I'm away though I'll most likely cut this trip short so I can go see them.

"Nope! We're going to go to this cool amusement park that they're having today since today is it's last day." Miruna says, excitement plastered on her face.
"Ok," I mentally sigh knowing I can't stay behind and rest. With a loud ding I pull my phone out. Excusing myself I walk a fair distance away from them.

"Shredded Wings Season 2 episode 8 has officially been the least unseen episode of this said horror drama despite the surprise actor to appear. We've seen the creative 'deaths' of many actors. Tell me what you'd like to say about the show," The interviewer eager to hear the words of what I believe to be Miruna's manager.
"I'd like to say that this poorly orchestrated horror series will officially end in season 3 and when so occurs Sx2 will return," said person answers.
"Poorly orchestrated?" The interviewer questions to which they nod.

"Created by a rookie of a producer. We do enjoy an idol like Lucien to do her best and of course the special detail thrown to make it all seem realistic but undoubtedly this show will end to be known as one of the least scariest series known. She has no structure into why her main plot of the show focuses on and instead focuses on characters most would deem uninteresting," the manager states their opinion.
"You're certainly very blunt about your statement. Are you not worried about biting back your words? On how Lucien could be watching this show right here right now at this very moment seeing you speak," the interviewer questions.

"I'm not going to regret saying what I believe and know to be true. She's the least intimidating being," The manager says cockily then rolls their eyes as if brushing me off. Oh how I'll enjoy shocking them. Interviewing the judges from audition they display the same arrogance and ego as Miruna's manager's interview. "We've turned her offer down because she's not one to be feared." The interview ends there.

Hmm what should I do?

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