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The Devils Triad (Plus Angel Puppy) has been lounging around set again, it had been a slow day and they didn't really have anything to do.

John and Manu were doing instagram live, Katie C was braiding Melissa's hair who was reading a script that was supposed to be for around the time she would give birth.

"Mel, what do you think about the teasers and trailers for the pre-season?" John pointed his phone at Melissa.

"It looks like it's going to be more laid back than ours, but also really really good" Melissa smiled.

"And what do you think about the teaser for Elseworlds?" Manu asked.

"It's going to be awesome, I can't wait to film it" Melissa smiled.

"What do you think, Love?" Manu asked Katie.

"I think it's going to be confusing as hell, I got lost reading the first page" She said.

"The first page was the cast list" Melissa said, confused.

"Exactly" Katie said, straight faced.

"As you guys can tell, it's going to be very fun" John said to the stream.

They continued, just hanging out and talking to fans through the stream when Jensen and Jared ran in with the prop capes for Superman's suit. "Duh, da, duh! Superman to the rescue!" Jared exclaimed, running around the room, picking up Katie and spinning before putting her down and them running back out.

"That is a normal occurrence on slow days" John said.

"Usually they'd kidnap me, but I guess they didn't want to today"


Later that night, Melissa was relaxing with Stephen on the couch, watching Brooklyn nine-nine when Stephen got a call.

"Hello?... What?... Do you need help?... No, we're just watching TV... okay" He hung up, "Or was Grant, someone rear-ended them, they're bringing Melinda to the hospital"

"Oh my god" Melissa said, "What?"

"They were coming back from a walk in Stanley park, Caity was putting Melinda in the car seat after feeding her, someone rear ended them, Melinda hit her head and Grant thinks Caity dislocated her finger" Stephen said, they rushed around and headed out.

At the hospital, Grant was watching carefully as the doctors examined Melinda. "She appears to be doing fine, but we might keep her for observation, babies heads are very fragile during the first months" The doctor explained, "You wife?"

"She's just getting a splint for her finger" Grant said, "He godparents should be here soon"

"Don't worry, Mr. Gustin, your daughter is strong, she'll probably just need to eat and than you guys will most likely be on your way home" The doctor said before stepping out.

Grant sat down and watched carefully as Melinda played with a stuffed animal, "Grant?" Melissa and Stephen rushed in.

"Hey" Grant said.

"Hi" Melissa hugged him, she than turned her attention to Melinda, "Hello, sweetie"

"Is she going to be okay?" Stephen asked.

"The doctor says so, but they might keep her for observation" Grant said, "The guy came out of nowhere, there was hardly anyone else parked near us"

"Tell us what happened" Melissa said.

"We went for a walk on the sea wall after work, we had Melinda in her carrier, showing her the ocean and all of that. Before we drove home, Caity wanted to feed her, so we sat at a bench and relaxed for a minute. I was going to the bathroom when I heard a loud smash, I turned back and saw the guy getting out and racing to Caity, Melinda was crying and I just booked it to them" Grant explained, "Caity was trying to sooth her and the guy was apologizing, I didn't know what to do, the security was passing by and came over, than a police car, they ended up driving us here"

"Oh my god" Melissa sighed, "What about Caity?"

"She's getting a splint for her finger, but she's mostly emotional about Melinda being hurt" Grant sighed.

"Where is she?" Melissa asked.

"Down the hall, right, and the the second door on the left" He said.

"Okay, you stay here, I'll go talk to her" Melissa rushed off, practically running to the room, well, wobbling/jogging to the room. Caity has dried tears and was wincing as she got her splint. "Cait"

Caity looked up and almost broke down, "How is she?" She asked immediately.

"She's fine, she's awake and playing" Melissa sat down next to her, "The doctor said she is alright, but might keep her for observation"

"Oh Melissa" Caity began crying on Melissa's shoulder, "I couldn't react fast enough"

"No one could've in that situation" Melissa hugged her friend, "The good thing is that both of you are alright, and no one was to injured"

"She's could've been, I was holding her wrong, I could've dropped her" Caity said.

"Shh" Melissa coo'd, "She is alright, and so are you, yes it could've ended worse, but it didn't. You're both alive and well"

"The guy, the one that rammed us" Caity sniffled, "He seemed familiar, I don't know why, but he reminded me of someone"

"A good someone or a bad someone?" Melissa asked, wearily.

"A bad someone..."

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