Chapter 2

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Adora woke up on the sand of the ocean floor, her golden hair floating around her. Her hair seemed way longer than it was before. Come to think of it everything about her was different. Her blue eyes shone way brighter than they did before and her slightly tanned face had slits like gills. Her long flowy white dress was now shorter and embroidered with a golden belt and shoulder pads but the biggest change was the noticeable whitetail in the place of her legs. She jerked at the sight of her tail opening her mouth but then quickly closing it so she didn't drown but she realized that she was breathing underwater. She relaxed at the thought and then panicked. She realized that the ocean wasn't going to kill her and it never was.

She realized that she was robbed of her childhood. She was forced to stay inside when she could have swum in the ocean and played games with her friends. But then the other half of her understood. She was mostly angry at shadow weaver.

For filling her mind with such hysteria. This rollercoaster of realizations was disturbed but the sound of voices. Adora hid behind some rocks. She was slow because she was just figuring out her tail.

She heard the strangers speaking. Their voices were deep and from what Adora could see they were wearing red and black suits with large black tails with a dangerous point at the tips.

"There's nothing here..." One of them said, he sounded familiar but Adora couldn't place who it was.

"I could have sworn that I heard something."

One of them came near where Adora was hiding. She covered her mouth so he wouldn't hear her breath but she realized that wouldn't do much.

Right when the curious one goes further, the other one said in an annoyed tone.

"Come on, Jord, there's nothing here."

Adora recognized the name and was tempted to show herself she breathed in to speak but webbed fingers cover her mouth.

"Shhhhh..." The person behind her said as the guards swam off.

"That was close." The person behind her said. Adora quickly turned from the other girl's grip to see her face.

There was shock in her face as she saw her. The girl's eyes were a light hazel and her wispy short hair was a light purple.

Her tail was long and the light purple of her tail sparked with silver and gold flecks. Her arms were webbed and she had strange pointed ears.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" Adora shouted a little too loud.

"Shhhhh or those guys will come back and how about a thank you. I just saved you from the horde."

"The what?"

"The horde..."

Adora cocks the head to the side.

"You've never heard of the horde, have you been living under a rock?"

"No, but it feels like I've been living on one all my life." She eyed Adora over with a confused look in her eye.

"'re not from here?"

"No, I'm from up there." Adora said, pointing up to the sky.

"Then why are you like this?" Adora looked down at her tail.

"That's what im trying to figure out!"

Adora could hear the guards coming back.

" Shhhh...," The purple haired girl said as she ducked back behind the rock with Adora."Ok, I can help you...I think my mom will know what to do."

"Huh, what- how do I know you're not going know with some of your ocean voodoo. How do I know you didn't do this to me."

Adora folded her arms stubbornly.

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