Chapter 20

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I laid in bed and stared at my ceiling in displeasure

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I laid in bed and stared at my ceiling in displeasure. In some odd way, I wished that I'd given into my lustful thoughts and asked Tsukiyo to come to bed with me. I couldn't remember a time when I'd ever felt so conflicted about saying 'no' to sleeping with someone. Being around him felt so natural that saying 'no' somehow felt wrong.

After dragging my ass out of bed, brushing my teeth, and dealing with my hair, I wobbled my way downstairs with the intention of making food.

Instead, I found a shirtless demon in my kitchen.

"Mmm? Wha're you are doing here so early?" I grumbled, rubbing at one eye with the back of my hand. Tsukiyo turned to say something but the words seemed to die in his throat, his gaze almost immediately dropping from my face.

"Ah... Someone forgot her robe entirely, this time." Tsukiyo cleared his throat pointedly and glanced away.

"Mmm? ...oh." I glanced down at myself, finding only skin. Right. Sleeping nude was fine but wandering around nude when someone could teleport into my house at any time was not smart. I wandered off in the direction of my room, pawing my eyes again. "Robe...where'd I leave it..."

When I returned to the kitchen in my robe a while later, Tsukiyo shot me an odd look. "I half expected you to scream and attempt to hide yourself behind your hands."

"Effort," I muttered while scrounging around in search of an energy drink. "Not like it's nothing you've seen before, and such a delayed reaction would've been stupid."

"Here." Tsukiyo handed me a cold can. "Aren't you going to ask me why I'm here?"

"It's not like I said you couldn't come here when you wanted," I pointed out. "Either there's work to do, you were getting some last-minute moonlight, or you wanna tease me more."

"Not quite." He raised an eyebrow at me. "Is being teased really so unpleasant to you?"

"It is when nothing can come of it and/or it doesn't mean anything to start with!" I huffed, cracking open the energy drink can.

"You struggle to read me that badly?" Tsukiyo asked in disbelief as I downed half my drink.

"I don't know, do I?" I pouted.

"You're a very different woman when groggy," Tsukiyo remarked, slipping his fingers under the collar of my robe. he toward him while sliding his fingers along the front hem. "Celia, if I wasn't interested in you, releasing me from that book would have been the last time you saw me."

"Oh..." I murmured, not quite sure what to think of that statement. Tsukiyo's fingertip traced down my stomach, causing me to finally look back up at him. He was studying me with an unreadable expression in his brilliant green eyes. "I'm not sure I believe you. Not with how big of a deal you made out of repaying me."

"I could have stayed in the shadows," Tsukiyo acknowledged, a devious smile spreading across his lips as he leaned down. "My 'debt' could have been paid without any personal interference. But you struck me as interesting. I decided to get involved. That way, I can gauge if you're worthy of all the power I could give you."

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