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"Good night then y/n" exclaimed your best friend jeno grabbing his bag and putting his shoes on. "Leaving so early? it's barely 7:30 and we have to finish this dance for tomorrow" you insisted. Jeno and you were part of the dance team DREXM with jisung, jaemin, chenle and renjun. You were kind of like the junior group while 127X was the senior one. You guys were having a (friendly) competition tomorrow and your group decided to dance to simon says. But everyone decided to leave early leaving you the only one in the complex.

"Come onnn y/nnnnnn we've been practicing this since like three months, you're going to nail it, i'm 99% sure" jeno whined, while you made a shock expression at his comment. "Excuse me? 99 percent? where does the other 1% go?" you said, to which jeno just responded with his iconic eye smile and a wink, leaving you no time to ask him again why he said that since he was already sprinting at the elevator.
The truth was you knew why he said it, it was becuase of your long-time crush kim doyoung, you met him around 3 years ago when you entered the company and goddamn was he handsome. He was also in the singing team and had a voice that made angels tremble and go to their knees. You were definitely a good dancer and singer, but when ya ou performed in front of doyoung you weren't able to contain the little clumsy mistakes and the voice cracks. Yes, he made you THAT nervous.

"he's lucky we'de friends hmph" you thought while getting back to your dancing. You put on the song simon says, and started dancing to the music, letting your body move by itself and the sounds flow trough your body beautifully. Hours passed like minutes and minutes like seconds when you realised it was already 10:56 p.m "holy cradkekekkp" you mentally cursed to yourself while rapidly getting your bag and shoes, it was very late and you didn't even had dinner yet, your usual diner was going to close in half an hour.

You took eveything and sprinted to the elevator only to be blocked by a tall figure you knew very well, Doyoung. He only excused himself and went into the dancing room, it seemed like he was looking for someone. He took out his phone and called them, only to be recieved by the voicemail. "Lee Jeno where are you?! we are going to be late to the midnight buffet, it's almost closing! call me when you get this" he exclaimed, and then it all made sense.
You had two options, leave and have the special burger you've been thinking about since last week or start a conversation with doyoung, THE DOYOUNG. Of course you went for the lattest.

"if you're looking for jeno, he left approximately 3 hours ago" you awkwardly told the boy in front of you. Doyoung takes a look at you and then your body (which makes you blush the tiniest bit). He rolls his eyes and says "Of course, i've been planning this since last week and he just has to go ahead and leave like that, god i'd kill him if he weren't so adorable" he argued while you mentally agreed. You only managed to say a "haha yeah", cursing your awkwardness. "I'm Doyoung by the way" he said and took his hand out for you to shake, you instantly panicked becuase holy shit that's doyoungs hand i'm gonna drop dead right now dkdkwo but you kept your cool and shaked his hand, introducing yourself.
"Oh i know you! you're from the junior group right? the singer, wow your voice is really gorgous" he said giving you that beautiful smile of his that made you weak. You blushed at his comment and went to tie your shoelaces so he wouldn't see the blush spreading rapidly trough your face. "I am but i can say the same about your voice, it makes me really want to cry and smile at the same time" you explained while tying your shoe laces, what you didn't expect was that when you stood back up, doyoung was really, extremely close to you; an act that made you blush even more now.
"Oh yes i know that. You have a ride home? it's getting late and you shouldn't walk alone" doyoung asked, way too close for your liking. "um actually i don't, i'll just wait for the nearest train to come so i can go ho-"

"absolutely not" he argued. You tilted your head in confusion and asked him how were you supposed to get home then. "I can give you a ride home" he said like it was the most obvious thing ever. It took you about 8.5 seconds to process what he said, it sent you into shock and you suddenly stumbled backwards while waving your hands in front of your chest, telling him how you needed to stop by and get some food first and that you definitely didn't want to be a bother. Which he completely ignored, grabbed you by your shoulders and led you to his car.

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