Barista!Jeno x Busker!Reader

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The little corner between the coffee shop and the library that was your spot.

You worked at one of the biggest libraries in Seoul. There wasn't much to do there. People came in, took their books, signed themselves up and left. That made your job the most boring one ever. Because it was a simple job, you didn't get payed that much, which was a bummer since you needed the money. And that was when the idea popped into your head. Every break you had you went outside, sat between the coffee shop and the library and played whatever instrument you had in hand.
As a child you always learned new instruments. Weather it was the flute, violin, drums, ukulele or even a kazoo, there was always a new instrument to grab and learn. So you thought, why don't I apply that here? Every afternoon at 4:00 p.m. you went out and played.

Jeno was the barista next door. He didn't exactly like his job, since he was just doing it to earn money to buy a new skateboard (yikes). He wasn't exactly the best at making any drinks so the manager just told him to stand at the cashier and take people's orders. And opposite from you, it was the most tesious work ever.
Today was nothing different. He was cleaning some tables, just waiting for the clock to hit 4 o'clock so his break would start. And there it was, 4 p.m. He sat in a bench outside of the coffee shop to get some air, it was usually quiet in the street around this time, but today was different. He heard a song, that at first he wasn't able to recognize, but then he figured out the song. It was riptide, one of his favorites. Jeno started looking for the sound and then he found you. You were sitting in a little stool playing riptide with your ukulele. No one stopped to watch you, but Jeno did. He thought the way you played and sang was amazing, so he stayed. When the song was over, you picked up your case to put the ukulele in, but then you heard some clapping. You turned around and Jeno was there, he was clapping rather loudly with a smile on his face.
A beautiful smile

"Your singing is amazing! And your ukelele skills" he chimed. And you smiled thanking him. "Uh I don't have any money to give you actually...but here have this chocolate". He handed you this mini milky way and you smiled, again. "Thanks" you whispered. You packed up your things and hurried inside, since you were never good with words. Jeno smiled at seeing your shy state.

'Maybe this won't be so bad' he thought, and went back inside.

"What's the song today?" he asked you, sitting down on the floor. His actions surprised you, for once someone wanted to see you play. "You know the floor is dirty, you shouldn't sit there" you stated. But he shrugged his shoulders, waiting for you to start. He looked like a kid waiting for their teacher to sing them a song in kindergarten.

"You choose today, uhh what's your name?"
"Jeno, Call me Jeno"

He wanted to see you playing the keys. So you played him all of me by john legend, He hummed along to the song and suddenly your break was over. You said your goodbyes and went inside. And this became the routine.
Every afternoon at 4:00 p.m. you would go out, Jeno would come out too and you guys would play and sing while he listened. But it was 4:30 and you hadn't come out yet. Jeno stood at the door of the café, coffee in hand wondering when you would come out. He grew impatient by each moment and went to the library, which by surprise, was full. You came in and all the tables were crowded with college students, books, and of course, coffee cups. They even called extra people in, since mid-terms were just around the corner all college students came to the library to study. And they always asked for books, where they were, and worst of all they were LOUD.
Jeno looked for you, in this mess it was impossible even seeing a thing, but he found you in the history section. Walking with what seemed 1000 books in hand. Jeno took half of the books from you to help you but as soon as he saw you he was out of air. You were standing there with a messy bun, your cute black glasses and your yellow banana sweater, since it was cold in the library.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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