Chapter One *Written by Charlotte*

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Chapter One

*~Blair Storm Glassier's Perspective~*

I slipped on my favorite purple Vans and sighed. I stared at Eliana. She just laid down on my couch and smiled, in her own happy world. Typical.

She usually just daydreamed about her writing. Even though most of it was serious and deep. She just smiled while she did it. Why you ask? I have no idea.

I wiped the sweat from my palms on my gray jeans and frowned. I had nothing to do and nothing to say. I was just in bad mood.

"Why are you so grumpy? You're going to your favorite band's concert tonight, remember?" Sapphire said, who was now entering my family room. She stood on the green shag carpet, her black Converse shuffling on the floor.

"I know, it's just that...well, you are going with me. And you hate Paramore." I pointed out, walking into the kitchen. I grabbed myself some cereal from the kitchen cabinet and grabbed three spoons along with some milk and blue bowls.

"Well, yeah, but I'll mostly be eating my popcorn and looking at videos of ballet on YouTube." She smiled just at the thought.

"YouTube? You can't take your computer, Sapphire." I rolled my eyes and poured my cereal in the bowl. I slowly munched on my Fruit Loops, waiting for Sapphire to reply.

"I know. That's why I'm going to look it up on my phone." She shoved her iPhone in my face, wanting to make me jealous. She just received it for her birthday last month. I had been aching to get one ever since Eliana got hers the year before. The only technology stuff I have is my laptop, my pink Pantech phone, and an iPod Nano. The old one. At least it was purple, my favorite color. My parents loved to save money, so I rarely got anything good for my birthday or Christmas.

"Oh, shut up." I said, pushing her away from me. She knocked into the granite counter as her glasses flew off. She picked them back up and grabbed her spoon and bowl. She poured her milk and cereal into the bowl and shoved some in her mouth, obviously angry at me.

I heard a quiet curse coming from the living room. It was Eliana. Her face was red and you could practically see the smoke coming from her ears. Yep. She was that mad.

"What are you mad about?" I called across the room, loud enough so Eliana could hear.

She walked over to us, her shoulders sagging. "I lost my idea." She mumbled. Her dirty blonde hair was all ratty on one side, probably from her moving in her sleep. 

"Your idea for your book?" Sapphire asked, in between munches.


You see, we all like different things. For Eliana, it's writing. Sapphire liked dancing, and I was passionate about music. I keep trying to convince them to start a band with me, but they don't really like music. But you know, sometimes it's good to have different interests. You always have something to talk about and it's not always the same thing every time.

"When you come up with ideas, you should probably save it on your computer. That's what I do with my music lyrics." I said, taking a sip of orange juice.

"Oh shit," Sapphire whispered, looking at the ground. "I completely forgot."

"Forgot what?" Eliana asked, looking at Sapphire, probably shocked she cursed.

"I have to go to a dance class tonight...Blair, I'm so sorry..." Sapphire said, taking off her glasses and wipping them with her shirt.

"Whatever. It's not like I'm surprised..." That was because she always did this. She always canceled when I wanted to do something with them. I was just sick of it.

"Sorry. But Eliana will still go with you. Right, Eliana?"

"Actually, I don't think I can. I really need to write. This novel is hard work and I just can't go off to concerts and stuff. You know I just can't..." Eliana explained.

"Of course not. You never can." I got up from my seat and washed out my bowl. As I washed, I cursed under my breath. Of course they can't come. They never can and they never will.

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