New feelings

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     Armin wakes up to the sound of Jean and Eren yelling...again. The tired bunny sighs and gets up, forgetting he's only in a shirt that is a bit too big and barely goes past his hips. He yawns and walks out of the small temporary room he was in. "Hey it's 5am can you two at least wait until the sun comes up to start fighting?" The half asleep bunny asked his voice trailing down to a mumble.

     Jean looks at the small tired bunny five steps away from him. The brown haired wolf was gripping Eren's shirt collar about to punch him. His brown eyes lock onto the small thin bunny in front of him."....." He suddenly drops Eren, still eye fucking Armin. His brown eyes studying every last detail of Armin's body. 'he has such a cute and small body...' He thought.

     Eren soon notices the brown eyes wolf's hungry(ish) look towards Armin. The brown haired cat quickly kicks Jean in the leg before turning to Armin. "Go back inside you're only in a shirt and it's cold outside" 'I'm not going to let Armin know this ass was being a weird perv.' Eren said to himself.

     A light shade of red spreads across Armin's face. "O-oh!! Thanks for letting me know!!" He quickly runs back into the room. 'Kill me.'

     Jean looks at Eren, pissed off. "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU KICK ME!" The wolf yells as he grabs Eren's shirt again.

     Eren let's out a soft growl. "Why where you eye fucking my best friend!" He yells trying not to let Armin hear him.

     Jean rolls his eyes. "I wasn't. Now fuck off." He drops Eren again and walks away 'crap Eren saw me...THAT FUCKER BETTER KEEP HIS MOUTH SHUT!!' The brown haired wolf walks back the his temporary room and flops on the bed. His mind wandered back to Armin. 'Why couldn't I take my eyes off his shitty small body.' He scoffed. "It's probably because he looks like a girl with his small waist and curvy body and that shitty hairstyle of his." He said aloud.

     Armin heard Jean through the thin walls separating the rooms. His face became deep red. "I DO NOT LOOK LIKE A GIRL!!" He yells in a whiney voice 'Am I really that small?'

     Jeans brown eyes widen 'did he hear me!' The wolf gets up. "....Armin...." He walks out of the room and bangs on Armin's door. "HOW MUCH DID YOU HEAR YOU LITTLE SHIT!"

     Armin let's out a squeak "A-all of it..." 'he's gonna kill me!' Armin exclaimed in his head. " I-if I may ask....w-why were you studying by body shape s-so much.... 'I shouldn't have said anything! I'm so dead!' "A-actually, never mind!" Armin quickly said.

     The wolf growls still banging on the door. "OPEN THE DOOR!" He yells, "BEFORE I RIP IT OFF ITS HINGES!"

     Armin squeaks. "N-no!" 'Eren, Mikassa, someone help meeeee!!' "J-just forget I ever asked!"

     Jean kicks the door open "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU, YOU SHITTY BUNNY!! I WAS ONLY LOOKING AT YOU BECAUSE YOU LOOK LIKE A CUTE BU-" He stops, a slight blush appeared on his cheeks. "..." He pushes Armin against the wall. "Tell anyone and I will fucking slit your God dammed throat!" The wolf says in a low harsh voice before planting a small tender kiss on the blonde bunny's lips "O-okay." Armin replied, his face was a bright shade of red. He  then tried to slide out from under the wall but the brown eyed wolf placed his other hand on the wall trapping him against the wall once again. "I never said I was done." The wolf growls, 'fuck it I'm having some fun'

Lol that's all for this chapter

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