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First up, Di_Rossi : you have a knack for reducing things to their barest essentials, and in doing so you unearth flaws most people wouldn't necessarily see. It's scary as all heck, but also incredibly helpful once the dandruff settles. You're the sort of critic who molds an author's craft, and because of you, I have become a much less 'frilly' writer. I hope. Sorta. I'm trying!

HM_Braverman thanks for your support, and for the work you do in the Bookshop. I wish you all the best as you pursue your dreams of publishing, and I look forward to reading your name on the cover of a best seller.

To my first real beta reader, Velfman, who can spin a wild yarn and has an amazing sense of humor to boot, thank you!

Jagermeanshunter it has been as much fun to read your comments as it was to write this book, and I am in awe of your ability. Confession: there were times I wrote stuff just to see what you would say. Having you return for every new chapter was (is) incredibly encouraging. Thank you.

To mchawkinsauthor who has offered phenomenal advice about male characters, keeping things realistic, and writing in general: It is so much fun having you as a reader, and I look forward to stalking your work on Wartpad.

Escapethepeace thank you for all your time and effort, and all those reader responses and book club exchanges. Shadow Road has changed a lot since those early drafts, in part because of you. Your help has been invaluable.

stlouiscards You didn't say much, but what you did say made my day, and you voted on everything with a star on it, which means you rock :)

angfayepang I still can't believe you read the entire thing in two days. That was awesome. Just about blew up my phone. (And my ego.)

ToyinLawani , nmillikin , nisha7 , bluebaguette  , Serseti , CCPunchbug , @Bluefrog1412 , you were some of the very first people to read to the end, voting all the way through. You did it silently, but I just want you to know: I noticed, and seeing your votes pop up in my feed was like getting a present. In fact, I looked a bit daft, walking around with a big grin on my face for days.

CarolineDonica Your constant and instant support has been so very reassuring. To have someone patiently sticking around to vote on a new chapter even when I don't get anything published for three weeks has meant the world to me.

Voyageavecmoi Thank you for all the hard work you do for the Flexible Book Exchange book club. I didn't have any way 'in' until I stumbled upon your little corner of Wattpad. Your notes are always thoughtful and extremely useful, and you have helped more people than I can shake a stick at, myself included.

Jazzy1983 Thanks for your encouragement, votes, and patience, and for kindly comparing my writing to Diana Gabaldon. That's probably going to wind up in a query somewhere.

JadeFoliage It's been a lot of fun watching you go from quietly voting as you read to making comments as you got farther in. You've been the reader who pulled me out of a bad day, a few times. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

To those who have commented on any part of this, even if you didn't go on to finish reading, I just want to thank you so much for your time, and to say that you are exactly what makes Wattpad such a great place for writers. So thanks again, and I wish you all the best.

Shadow Road: Book 1 of the Shadows Rising TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now