Meeting My Brother

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‘Stupid employer……. Stupid job……. STUPID LUKA!’

If you haven’t figured out by now, I’m a little annoyed. You see, the person who hired me wasn’t exactly pleased with the fact that I basically ran his customers out of his store. But he still hired us for the job, even if he was a little less than pleased.

So he briefed us on the job and we went on our merry way. It was actually pretty easy, they weren’t even that strong. From what I can see, they just got lucky. After collecting all the stolen artifacts, I went back to the shop with Luka and return them.

BUT! Here’s the kicker. Since Luka ran everyone out the shop earlier, which cost the guy like a day’s worth of pay, he decided to deduct the money he lost that day from his pay. WHICH just so happened to be about 600,000 jewels. THAT’S MOST OF MY PAY! Then we got in a huge fight and I lost my remaining 100,000 jewels and I ended up heading home empty handed.

And you know what’s funny, the fight wasn’t even between me and the shop owner. It was between Luka and him and it wasn’t even about the pay cut! It was about the fact that he didn’t treat him to a fish after we brought back the stolen items. HE DIDN’T EVEN CARE THAT WE BASICALLY LOST ALL OUT PROFIT AND OOD MONEY! I think he’s been spending too much time with Happy……

So here we are, walking back to Magnolia. I couldn’t stay mad at Luka though, it’s not his fault that he has the mentality of a squirrel. I mean we were actually having a conversation about whether or not you could consider tomatoes as a fruit or vegetable. I know. Random.

“I mean, scientifically, tomatoes are classified as a fruit, so there a fruit.”

“NO WAY! Have you ever heard of a fruit salad having tomatoes in it? I don’t care if there scientifically classified as a fruit, there vegetables in my book!” I rolled my eyes. I can’t believe I’m actually trying to convince Luka that tomatoes were fruits not vegetables. It’s not like he’s going to eat them anyway, he’s a cat.

I opened my mouth to snap back at him, but something caught my attention. I tilted my head to the right, pulling my hair around my shoulder and off my ear, trying to act casual. The wind blew from the right, carrying on it three distinctive scents.

‘Musty books and musk. Cinnamon and spice. And wildflowers and jasmine. Hmm….’ I perked my ears up, catching they’re conversation.

“Who do you think she is?”

Icy Heart ~Fairy Tail Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now