Can I Lie?

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Okay, maybe it was a pretty stupid idea to it was a really stupid idea to invite these guys to come with us. We had finally stopped to camp for the night and I just couldn’t take it anymore.

“WOULD YOU QUIT YOUR BITCHING!? NO ONE CARES IF YOUR FEET HURT OR YOUR LEGS ARE TIRED! BE A MAN AND SUCK IT UP!” I screamed, glaring down at Evergreen. The girl had gotten on my last nerve! The entire day I had to listen to her groan and moan from behind me about how she didn’t want to walk anymore. And she had the audacity to blame me for it because I got motion sickness. I was seriously thinking of just turning her into a popsicle and leaving her behind to melt. And I’m pretty sure no one would try to stop me either.

Laxus luckily had headphones to block out the noise, so he didn’t really notice. But as for Freed, Bickslow, Luka, and I, we were all ready to push her off a cliff the first chance we got.

Evergreen pouted and crossed her arms, giving me a stony glare.

“Well excuse me! But I am no man, I am a fairy! A true lady! Who do you think you are, talking to me like that?!”

My eyebrow twitched, my icy mask cracking. I was ready to go full out on the brunette skank and rip her to shreds. It’s at moments like these that me want to forget that killing people is illegal and wrong and just rip her head off, but for now I’ll settle for breaking her pert, little nose. I clenched my hands into fists and raised one into the air, getting into position. Let’s see how ladylike she’ll with blood dripping out her nose.

But to my dismay, Freed decided to stop me before I did anything rash and tossed me over his shoulder. I growled deep in my throat and wriggled around, trying to pry myself free of his grasp.

“Now Lux, you can’t go around beating up everyone that make you angry. We can’t have you getting into trouble can we? Doing such would tarnish not only the guilds name, as well as your own, but Laxus’s as well.”

“Who gives a crap if it tarnishes his precious name! All I want is for her to learn to shut her trap! Now put me down before I turn you into a popsicle!” I demanded, pulling at his long hair. It was official, my mask had crumbled away and disappeared as I released all my pent up frustrations. My frustrations about Evergreen, about having to live with Natsu. Not that living with him was horrible or anything, but it was like a full time job. I just couldn’t keep up with him and the messes he makes. And finally, my frustration about lying about my family. I kept up the whole façade for so long, and it was eating away at me! Silica had raised me to be brutally honest, it was against everything I stood for to lie to people. Especially people who I was starting to consider to be my family and friends. And to let it out, I took it out on Freed as I ripped at his hair, trying to get the stick in the mud to drop me. The position was actually starting to get uncomfortable.

“Freed put the girl down before she makes good on her threat. It’d be a bother to have to carry you back to the guild.” I smirked triumphantly as Freed instantly complied and set me down gently, seeing as how he couldn’t disobey his great Laxus.

“Thanks Lax!” I had started to call him this after meeting him, since Laxus was just a mouthful. He tried for hours to get me to stop, but it fit him for some reason and I stuck with it. And I thought it suited us, now that we’re brother and sister. Lux and Lax, Lax and Lux. We were two peas in a pod! Laxus on the other hand didn’t find his nickname so fitting and rolled his eyes, plugging his headphones back in and once again ignore us. Evergreen never did try to say anything smart in fear that I might actually break her nose, so I decided to take the high road and ignore her for now. But if she started whining again, I was going to break more than her nose.

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