Volume 1 | Chapter 108: Warm Breeze

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Every Wednesday, Chen Ming Xu would go to the TV station to shoot for his talk show and play the part of a cheerful and lovable host. As someone who treated his work seriously, Chen Ming Xu only occasionally retaliated against someone in public due to a private scuffle they might have had. Most of the time, he was a responsible and diligent TV host.

After the recording for the show ended, some second and third-rate celebrities would come over to chat with Chen Ming Xu and try to make connections. Generally, Chen Ming Xu would stop and chat with them for a bit if he was in the mood. Today however, he had neither the mood nor the energy to deal with all those celebrities. Seeing his state, his assistant tactfully used the explanation that he was sick to block the celebrities outside the door of his waiting room.

Being sick wasn’t an excuse, it was the reason.

As a popular TV host, Chen Ming Xu had a waiting room all to himself. Sitting inside his own personal room, the young man stared blankly at his reflection in the mirror.
Knock...knock… Someone knocked on the door. Immediately afterwards, his assistant’s voice sounded outside, “Ming Xu, can I come in?”

“Mhm. You can come in.”

His assistant opened the door and stuck her head in. “Do you want to take some medicine right now? Or do you want a glass of hot water?”

“No, I’ll be fine after going home and having some rest.”

“Okay. Um… Someone’s looking for you,” his assistant said hesitatingly.

“Who?” Chen Ming Xu knitted his brows, puzzled.

No matter who came looking for him, his assistant would turn them away at the door. It was rare for her to appear hesitant about something like this.

Could it be a big name celebrity? That shouldn’t be right. He couldn’t recall there being any big name celebrities at the TV station today.

“It’s Tang Feng.” The minute his assistant finished speaking, the actor poked his head through the door and beamed a megawatt smile at Chen Ming Xu.

“Why are you here?” Chen Ming Xu sat still in his spot. He spoke to Tang Feng in the same barbed tone as before, but he didn’t dare look straight into the actor’s eyes. He lowered his head and pretended to be playing around with his phone, but the Weibo page displayed on the screen remained unrefreshed.

“I’m here to see how you’re doing without me on your show.” Tang Feng walked over to Chen Ming Xu and bent down to look at his phone. “What are you looking at?”

“Weibo.” Feeling the actor’s warm breath brushing against his face, Chen Ming Xu felt his cheeks heating up slightly. He snapped, “So what if the show doesn’t have you? It only needs me to continue.”

“Haha. That’s what I thought as well. The audience are all here for you. Oh right, I listened to your album last night. I have to say it’s very good. Why did you switch to being a TV host instead of continuing as a singer?”

“If I had continued as a singer, I would have been second-rate at most. However, I’m first-rate among TV hosts.” Chen Ming Xu lifted his eyes to glance at Tang Feng and unexpectedly met the actor’s bright and gentle pupils straight on. He suddenly felt sicker than he’d imagined as his head started to swim.

“Why is your face so red? Are you really sick?” Tang Fang placed a hand on the other’s forehead and frowned. “Your forehead is hot. You have a fever.”

“You don’t need to care!” The place Tang Feng touched seemed to be burning. Chen Ming Xu kept his head down, his hand vice-like around his phone.

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