Volume 2 | Chapter 6: Script Reading

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A week had passed since the start of filming for Satan’s Alley. Aside from the first day when Tang Feng had almost been pushed to the breaking point by the director, it had been a smooth ride for him after his acting breakthrough. Although the film had two male leads, Tang Feng had more scenes than Gino. However, most of the publicity having to do with the film focused on its two biggest names, Director Li Wei and Gino, for promotional reasons.

For the first week, the film crew had mainly been going through Tang Feng’s own individual scenes. Tang Feng and Gino would only act together the day after tomorrow.

Hollywood’s filming style could be considered the most perfect system within the industry. It never stopped evolving, but there were still underlying rules that everyone followed. Tang Feng liked this very much. They had two days off every week. It had been written clearly in the contract that he’d signed. His salary had also been clearly stated in the clauses.

As a newcomer, Tang Feng would only be paid a small amount of five-hundred thousand dollars for his role. It was a scratch of what Gino was getting. As a Hollywood superstar, Gino was getting paid 12.5 million dollars, and that was after the friend price discount.

It was Tang Feng’s day off today. After working for the whole day yesterday, Tang Feng had greedily latched onto the Duke of Zhou and was going downhill with him. He didn’t know who it was that was hounding him in the early morning by pressing the doorbell and calling his phone nonstop.

“Charles…” Tang Feng called out incoherently, but no one answered him. He grabbed a pillow and pulled it over his head.

That was right. Charles had said yesterday that he had to go to New York for two days for a business deal.

“Lu Tian Chen, go open the door…” The doorbell was still ringing. Tang Feng yanked at the blankets and pulled them over his head, exposing his legs to the air. Once again, no one answered him.

Where did Lu Tian Chen go? He thought that someone had come over to his room last night to sleep beside him. If Charles was in New York, then it could only have been Lu Tian Chen. There was no helping it, Tang Feng fought a difficult battle with the sheets before climbing out of bed. Half sleepwalking, he opened the door and saw a black shadow flash in front of him. “Tang Feng, I brought breakfast!” A blond man carrying a white bag jumped into his vision. Gino was deliberately trying to be cute with his cheerful voice.

“Hmm…” Tang Feng shut the door in a daze and walked barefoot toward his bedroom. He was simply too tired. “You can take a seat, wherever is fine. I’m going to sleep for a bit more.” Compared to Gino’s bright smile, Tang Feng’s reaction was like a downpour of cold rain. There was no hint of surprise or shock to his voice, it was calm to the point of frustration.

Tang Feng left without waiting for Gino’s response. He lay on the bed and pulled the blankets over himself, falling asleep once again.

Tang Feng had planned to meet with Gino today to go over the script, but he hadn’t expected Gino to arrive this early.

Before going back to bed, he’d glanced at the clock on the wall. It was only seven-thirty in the morning. Please let him sleep for another hour.

Tang Feng woke up to the smell of food. He left his bedroom in his pajamas and found the figure of a young man busying about in the kitchen. The man turned around at his entrance, lifting his brows and raising the corners of his lips, exposing a row of teeth that gleamed like white shells.

When Tang Feng had first met Gino, he’d thought that the young actor was quite handsome. He recalled that Gino seemed to have filmed a toothpaste commercial a few years ago. His teeth certainly were straight and white.

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