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Y/N's POV:

I felt warmth around me for the first time in a while. I tried to turn but, somethings got a hold on me so tight.

That's when I realized, I fell asleep while someone was singing to me.

I opened my eyes to see a white wall- oops! I mean a white shirt in front of me. I shifted my gaze to who the owner of the shirt was and my jaw almost dropped to the floor.

Choi Fudging Soobin is cuddling with me. I suddenly felt my arms around his masculine body, which caused me to blush so hard.

I suddenly stared at him and noticed that he was really cute, but still handsome anyways.

"Wanna take a picture? It could possibly last longer y'know." I suddenly heard him say, I automatically scoffed.

"As if I wanna take a picture of him." I suddenly voiced my thoughts out loud for him to hear. I actually didn't know I said it that loud until I heard him chuckle.

"What are you laughing at, huh?" I said trying to seem intimidating.

"Well, maybe you voiced your thoughts aloud princess." He said which made me realize my mistake. I gasped really loud.

"Even your gasping is quite loud. Were you supposed to gasp in your mind? Hmm?" I buried my face into his chest, desperately trying to hide my face.

It was warm, a good type of warm. Like you could possibly stay like that for the whole day.

I felt his breath hitch as he suddenly stopped breathing.

I suddenly pushed my self slowly out of his chest to see his reaction, but as I look up, I wish time could really stop right now.

Soobin was looking down on me. Our faces only inches apart, We stared into each others eyes for a bit when suddenly, he moved closer.

It seemed like an instinct, I moved forward too. Our nose touched and I felt his small smile since I saw his cute dimples pop out.

Before we could get out of hand the door knob started turning in different ways.

I suddenly pushed myself, a bit too hard, out of Soobin's grasp. I knew it was a bit strong because I heard him groan.

"Are they awake?" We heard, probably Yoongi, said.

"I hope so." Jungkook voiced.

Before Jungkook could finish his sentence, I made a run towards the door.

I opened it way too fast that someone or should I say Yeonjun, falling backwards since he leaned on the door. It was an awkward silence since they didn't know why I was red, panting, and have a slightly messy hair.

Soobin didn't help at all when he came up to the door with his messy bed hair.

Before me and Soobin could explain we got cut off.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER? YOU UNCULTURED SWINE!" Yeonjun was really ready to pounce at Soobin.

"We-" I got cut off by Soobin "We just woke up due to your loud arguments out here."

I mentally thanked Soobin so much.

"Is that so?" Yeonjun answered still lying on the door mat. "Yeah yeah." Me and Soobin dismissed at the same time. We suddenly both looked at each other and laughed.

"Noona." I got shocked at who called me. It was Kai.

"Ye-yeah Kai?" I stuttered out since I was too shocked.

If Only || Choi Soobin [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now