The meeting

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The week passed quickly, as you stood watching the many dresses sprawled out onto the bed. Your father had given the maids strict instructions: Dark red, like blood, covering up the chest and legs, he wanted them to focus on your facial beauty instead of the addicting curves on your body. You thought carefully, feeling slight fear, a fear of dead was never in the cards for you, but the fear of a very strange first date had definitely taken over your mind and body.

As you called the girl inside that you had made your head servant who you now knew as Ray, you asked for her opinion. Looking at the scene from afar made you chuckle, two girls standing silently next to each other staring at a bunch of dresses, contemplating which one would rock the boys's world. You never knew feelings like these, as far as you knew you still weren't allowed to ''hang'' with the servants, but at this moment you didn't care, you were meeting your future husband today and you needed someone to share the nerves with.

''This one would make their jaws drop, miss, the others might even divorce so they could get a taste''
You very much enjoyed this girls boldness, she went from: miss and princess, to talking about sexual relationships.

''That one it is then'' you picked it up holding it in the air in front of you staring at it one more time. As Ray helped tighten your corset she asked why you would wear one of those painful things. ''As a vampire, your body shapes to perfection, but perfection is in the eyes of the beholder, plus, I have done my research and apparently man like curves, so tighten my rib cage so I can't breath please''.
She chuckled behind you as you held te pillars that were attached to the bed, trying not to fall over as the girl tightened the laces.
''Are you nervous, miss?''
''Ray, please call me (Y/N), no one calls me that and I want to hear someone say it''
''Are you nervous, (Y/N)?'' You could practically hear her shiver, calling her princes by her first name was something simply not done.

''Well, nervous would be a good word, curious fits as well, I spend my life inside these walls ever since the first person of your bloodline was alive, fantasizing away, I feel I am more afraid of the fantasies I have had, since realistically speaking, fantasies are best case scenarios, thus, would never come true''

''You could never know miss-- I mean (Y/N), do you not believe in fairy tales?''

''The things people read to children? no, if fairy tales were true, I wouldn't be alive''

Ray had finished lacing you up, and helped you pull away from the bed frame, finding your balance and adapting your breathing.

''I think fairy tales are true just because you are alive''

''I am not a desirable princess locked in a tower, Ray. I am an abomination, a mix of supernatural beings and speaking of fairy tales, what prince charming would leave his princes hundreds of years locked up''

She giggled at that, walking towards the dress you had picked out ''Well, just promise to ask him when you meet him, slap him as well for making you wait so long''

''The boy wouldn't know what hit him''

''I think he would surely know when you break his jaw''

Ray helped you in your dress, fetching some shoes that would look perfect with it, you always adored yourself in blood red, maybe it was because it matched your personality. Poised, Dark and alluring, in a way you were a mystery, even to yourself.

''Are you ready?''

''I guess so''
At that moment your senses heightened, you immediately felt strangers rushing in inhumane speed toward the castle, they were about to pass the bridge and it would take them mere seconds to arrive. You contemplated if you would already be seated at the dinner table, ready for them, or if you should make a grand entrance. You picked the latter, you might never have the chance to make a grand entrance again. You waited for around twenty minutes, as your heard your fathers voice beam through the castle: ''I would like for you to meet my daughter, my dear child''. You couldn't help but scoff a little, as you ran with supernatural speed towards the dining hall door, Ray stood there waiting, quickly pushing your hair to sit at the right spots and with taking a deep breath, you walked in.

{Supernatural heiress}ReaderxMinYoongi 18+ ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now