Here Again

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Here we are again, the blade on the skin

My eyes have been crying, my body's gone thin

It's so easy to lose hope and break

I've masked my pain so often, can't tell if my smile's real or fake

I'm sick of not being good enough for these people

That's why I listen to the razor and its whispers of evil

I'm done hating myself but I'm not sure how to stop

I feel like an angry balloon, just waiting to pop

I just want to end it, just cut the line down

How are swimming and just watching me drown?

I'm tired of being sick and tired

Why begin to trust anyone, when every is a liar?

My heart is so easily broken, like glass

It gets so difficult to remember "this too shall pass"

I'm sick of the betrayal, the heartache, and lies

I'm sick of the solace in cutting, the heaven in bloodshot eyes

I'm constantly hating myself, despising my flaws

I'm sick of cleaning up blood and replacing my gauze

Make it stop, make it end, I don't want to cry any longer

What if whatever doesn't kill you weakens you and just comes back stronger?

Here I am again, begging for release from the shackles of this disease

I no longer have the will to do as others please

My wrists, my heart, my mind are too often set ablaze

How dare you say this is just a phase?

I wish it would stop but I'm not sure how to make it

That's why I just have to hide it, to fake it

I'm here again, alone and broken

Leaving so many hurt words unspoken

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