《My Goddess》

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|Aizen x Goddess!Reader|

A/n: Lmao I wasn't creative with the title. Obviously. Anyway, sorry for taking so long with this.

Requested by: HellozPeoplz


Your Pov

"That's gay, (Y/n)." Kai commented, stifling a laugh.

"Kai..." I said in a dangerous tone.

"Yes, my gay goddess?"


I stared at her with fiery eyes and began chasing her around my palace. She screamed and began running, laughing all the while. Hands outstretched, reaching for Kai's neck so I could strangle her. She really loved pushing my buttons in any way possible.

She was my personal guard and my best friend. She more often than not referred to me as an equal doubtless of the large power difference between us.

I was a goddess, my parents both being etheral beings as well. While I could've stayed home, I wanted to venture out. I stumbled across a realm called Hueco Mundo and set my castle up here.

Kai was the first person I met.

She helped me to learn about hollows. Not only that but she protected me as well. Hollows, gillians, adjuches, arrancars. All of it. Although I found it bizarre that hollows committed cannibalism, I decided not to question it.

Kai was actually an arrancar. Her mask was like a small crown that resided on her forehead. I had never seen her release before, so I suppose that was good we were never put in that position.

Now, years later, I ruled Hueco Mundo with Kai supporting me all the while. As of recent, strange things have been going on. New, more powerful arrancars were appearing and I was pretty sure some shinigami had invaded and taken over.

I stopped chasing my subordinate and looked behind me. She seemed to notice and looked as well. There were some odd people I didn't recognize. I counted thirteen people. Ten were arrancars. Perhaps the other three were the shinigami I'd heard about?

Kai immediately stepped in front of me protectively, placing her hand on the hilt of her zanpakuto.

"Who are you?" She nearly hissed.

A man with brown hair that was slicked back except for one rogue piece that lingered on his near flawless face stepped forward. He was well built and quite handsome. Not that I'd admit it to his face.

"I am Sosuke Aizen," He introduce himself, "And I'm here for her." He pointed at me.

"Not a chance!" Kai drew her sword.

Something was off. There was something about this man, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. That's when it hit me. Spiritual pressure. Immense spiritual pressure that brought Kai to her knees, leaving her unable to even breath.

He was powerful. That much was certain.

He slowly began walking towards Kai.

"No, stop!" I tried to call out but it was too late.

His sword cut through her like butter. She collapsed to the ground, dead. I stared at her body. Stared at the body of my best friend, my only friend. My scream pierced the air as I ran over to her.

"Kai! Kai! Don't dare die on me! You can't leave me! Open your eyes, Kai!"

But it was no use.

She wouldn't open her eyes.

She was gone.

I sobbed, holding her body close before it inevitablly disintegrated.

"Now come with us before the rest of your friends end up like her." Aizen warned.

I glared up at him with all the hatred in the world. I wanted him to die. I stood, but before I could even attack him, he said something that made my blood run cold.

"Try to kill me, and your people suffer."

He started walking towards wherever he came from. I hissed quite literally and followed.

•Timeskip Brought To You By Byakuya's Smile•

I sat on my canopy bed. I had pulled all the curtains together so it'd be dark. I liked the darkness.

It had been months since my capture. At first I had been very against Aizen and anything having to do with him. But... That all changed about two months in. I had refused to see it, but it seemed like Aizen honestly does care about me.

And, as much as I hate to admit it sometimes, I cared about him as well. I smiled at the picture of us that I could just barely see.

Aizen did everything in his power - which he had a lot of - to make me feel happy and loved. I was a lucky girl to have someone like him. I sat up when I heard someone open the door to our shared room.

"Hiding again?" A familiar voice said before chuckling.

As soon as he drew the curtains, I tackled him.

"Aizen!" I said, burying my face in his chest.

I felt his hand ran through my hair and it comforted me. He was often busy with running Las Noches so I didn't see much of him. So I savored every moment I had of him.

He pushed me away slightly, only to slam his lips against mine. I eagerly kissed back.

After a heated make out session, we sat there in blissful silence. He shifted so sat he was now sitting and I was straddling his lap. Pulling out a smal box opening it, he smirked.

"Will you marry me, (Y/n)?"

I nearly screeched.

"Of course!"


A/n: Whew, there it is! I hope you liked it and hope it wasn't too bad. I know the trend is to make Aizen force himself on reader, but, fuck that. Imma make them happy together. Fight me. XD

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