O oneshot 10

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"Boboiboy, what's wrong?" Ying asked looking at her friend in concern. Boboiboy sighed while cleaning the counter with Tok Abak cleaning mugs behind him.

"Weird dream." Boboiboy said. Gopal sat beside Ying and Fang with Yaya placing packets of her homemade cookies in a basket.

"What kind of dream Boboiboy?" Fang asked. Boboiboy scratched his cheek, raising a brow as he thought carefully of what it was.

"I think I was...walking down on a street, and I saw myself but...it was like one of my elements..." Boboiboy stated out.

"Elements, huh? Maybe the watch is telling you something." Ochobot said floating towards them.

"I guess so but I was able to say things I wanted to say and when I did Thunderstorm looked surprised and he ran. And when I went to chase him, Cyclone appeared above behind me with his floating board and when I looked back on Thunderstorm who was still running he hopped on the board with Cyclone and then I woke up." Boboiboy explained very carefully which made two of his friends sorta mind blown.

"Ehh, don't worry Boboiboy! It's just a dream!" Gopal reassured his bestfriend. Ochobot sighed taking the clean mugs and placing them down in order. Tok Abak chuckled while patting Boboiboy by his hat.

"Don't worry much Boboiboy--
"OUCH!" Tok Abak was cut off by Ochobot's yelp. Ochobot felt a bit woozy as he held his head.

"What's wrong Ochobot?" Boboiboy asked, catching Ochobot before he could hit the ground.

"Weird...i'm picking up six strange things at the same time but far from eachother except two near eachother." Ochobot said as he was placed down on the counter.

"What do you mean 'six strange things' Ochobot?" Fang asked.

"I'm picking up..." Ochobot said, holding his head with two hands. Everyone and even Tok Abak listened to Ochobot carefully.

"I'm picking up...Boboiboy..?" Ochobot said. Everyone was confused and surprised even Ochobot himself.

"That's strange, why am I picking up your elements." Ochobot asked himself. Everyone except Ochobot thought carefully before they started answering.

"Oh! Maybe they are aliens that sorta have something identical to Boboiboy like his powers!" Ying said.

"No way! Maybe Boboiboy has other cousins that have the same watch like his!" Gopal said.

"No way, if he did have cousins he would've been talking about them already." Famg said.

"Hey!" Boboiboy said while glaring at Fang who was smirking.

"That's not it guys. Do any of you still remember what Boboiboy said like a few minutes ago??" Yaya said. Well it seems only Yaya is the sensible one here.

"Oh yeah! He did say he had a weird dream about Cyclone and Thunderstorm. Why don't you check your watch Boboiboy?" Ying said. Boboiboy did what was told and looked, the screen was plain dark.

"Huh, it's like it's out of battery." Boboiboy said. Ochobot yelped in confusion as he started to float.

"What do you mean out of battery?? It shouldn't run out of batteries since it never will run out of batteries. It doesn't even run on batteries." Ochobot said, holding Boboiboy's arm out as he scanned Boboiboy's watch.

"Weird. I can't get signs of any elements even your new light elemental. I can only get your earth elemental and that's that." Ochobot said.

"You don't think the elements like went out of his watch  and got scattered around, right?" Yaya theorized. Everyone soon heard what seemed to be a loud explosion in the school. The four dashed towards their old school in suspicioun. Meanwhile Water and Fire were having a fist fight while using their elements a bit. Thorn saw this and sent a message to Solar using his shurikens. Solar saw the note and was dissappointed. Cyclone saw this and started to look for Thunderstorm to tell him. Boboiboy and his four other friends were hurrying their way to the school. Boboiboy was behind them but suddenly stopped and glanced over a street, to see himself. His friends didn't notice him halt at all as they continued their way to the school.

"Hey, you there!" Boboiboy yelled getting Thunderstorm's attention. Thunderstorm looked and saw a boy that looked like him in orange clothing with an orange hat frowning back at him. Thunderstorm quickly realized the situation and ran.

"Crap, i'm not even allowed to use my element even in this situation! Solar might try and get me killed." Thunderstorm mumbled quietly as he turned to a dead end. Boboiboy stood blocking Thunderstorms only exit. Cyclone soon caught sight of his brother Thunderstorm trapped, quickly diving down with his board he whistled getting Boboiboy and Thunderstorm's attention, diving down, Boboiboy ducked a bit with Thunderstorm quickly hopping unto the board as they flew away. Boboiboy looked back up and saw that they were gone. Boboiboy soon had the sudden realization that his friends were still headed to the school, Boboiboy turned back around, dashing to the school. Fire huffed going back into his fighting stance. Water huffed aswell as he used his hand to fan himself from the heat as he went under the ships shade.

"Hahah!! Your always tired as ever big bro!" Fire gleefully cheered, looking at his seemingly exhausted brother. Water placed his hands on his hips while looking at his brother who was drunk in adrenaline.

"Fire let's take a break the others might've thought we were fighting even though I was just entertaining you from your boredom." Water said, sitting down as he gestured Fire to sit beside him under the shade.

"You know...'water'ever you are thinking it better not be an evil one." Fire said, raising a fist that was lit on fire.

"Pff- I don't care when you got into puns but that was terrible. And no, I just thought about how Solar and Thunderstorm will be like when they get here." Water said. Fire laughed followed by Water laughing. Thorn swung building by building before he landed down unto his two brothers resting under the ships shade.

"Hey~! Fire! Water!" Thorn yelled, waving his hands in the air as he went back to first-tier.

"Wassup Leaf!" Fire exclaimed waving back. Leaf sat down beside them with a smile.

"Why were you two fighting?" Leaf asked.

"Oh no, we weren't fighting. I was entertaining him." Water said as he slowly laid back down for a nap. Fire smirked, flicking Water's cheek. Water rubbed his cheek, pouting infront of Fire and Leaf.

"Well it seems you twins have a good explanation before Cyclone and Thunderstorm arrives." Light said, standing infront of the three. Water continued to rub his cheek a bit more before deciding to speak.

"I was entertaining him. There was no other way, you already know he hates board games." Water said, slowly laying back down.

"Wow, they're fast with that hover board!" Leaf said looking at the Cyclone and Lightning in the hover board. Fire flicked Water on his face again earning a flick back by the nose. Water rubbed his cheek again with Fire rubbing his nose. Both were now pouting at eachother before Lightning and Wind stood beside with Light.

"Explain." Lightning demanded.

"Entertainment. That's it." Water shortly summarized, raising both hands in the air. Wind joined Fire and Leaf talking while Lightning, Light and maybe Water were discussing a few things.

"No luck. And there weren't anybody home in almost all of the houses." Light said.

"I had the same thing but I encountered a boy that looked like us but was wearing an orange hat and orange clothing." Lightning said.

"Well that's a little useless. Meanwhile here, me and Fire encountered a man that was wearing a red mask and suddenly fainted from sudden shock I guess. But we moved his heavy body unto a bed inside the school so don't worry about us getting somebody killed." Water said before he closed his eyes for a nap. But that was when it collided.

"Ehh??? Six Boboiboys!?!" Ying exclaimed in shock as she looked at the small group of young boys sitting under the ships shade.

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