(Na) not alternative
(A) alternative"Boy's I don't want to see any of you fight even if for the biggest problem alright?" (A)Boboiboy said looking at the six young boys with a smile, he laughs as he walks out of the living room.
"Remember, were in a spaceship. You could destroy it with out knowing." (A)Boboiboy said. Thorn or should I say (a)Leaf, went to the kitchen to grab one of those newly famous cookies known in the whole galaxy. (A)Water layed in his water sphere like couch sleeping, (a)Fire was juggling fire balls to let out some steam. (A)Light, (a)Wind and (a)Lightning were playing videogames and were betting at eachother to beat their uncle's very high score.
"Boboiboy there you are..." the (a)general said looking behind him to see (a)Boboiboy smiling.
"Good day general Cici ko." Boboiboy said. The commander was off in earth doing errands like helping the police department, (a)Boboiboy went and sat on the opposite side of the table didcussing with the general who showed him pictures and documents of (a)Ochobot.
"Are you saying that (a)Ochobot's power of teleportation is creating dar..." (a)Boboiboy stopped looking at (a)Ochobot who entered the room, (a)Ochobot was touching his head as he was in pain.
"What's wrong (a)Ochobot?" The general asked. (A)Ochobot mumbled before speaking.
"Nothing much. Only a little headache, I don't know if power spheras can get headaches. I think I might need a charge." (A)Ochobot said floating out of the room, (a)Boboiboy felt worried and confused at (a)Ochobot's answer but shrugged it off as he looked back on the (a)general.
"Hey (a)general. Why did you change your tier into general?" (A)Boboiboy said scratching his head.
"(A)Boboiboy. Aliens age too." The (a)general said saluting as he walked out of the room, (a)Boboiboy placed a hand in his chin until he realized as to why. (A)Ochobot mumbled at himself floating inside the charging room or station of the ship, sitting on one of the chair he rested charging, suddenly (a)Ochobot lit up brightly, not knowing what (a)Ochobot is doing as he still rested, a dark portal appeared in the storage room and yelps of pain were heard and a loud crash of metal hitting the floor, another portal appeared in the bathroom and two girls and a boy yelped as they hit the ground. The dark portal's closed while (a)Ochobot only stayed not knowing what had happened.
"Ow...what was that..?" A boy with spiky hair and what seemed to be alien like style of clothing said.
"I don't know, all I could remember was just the six of us walking inside the ship but, I think were in the storage room." A yellow power sphera said.
"Ey, Ochobot! Wheres Boboiboy??" A boy with a head band and clean looking hair said.
"Ow...are you two ok..?" A boy with an orange hat said.
"I think so..." a girl with a pink hoodie covering her whole hair said. A girl wearing yellow like colored clothes stood up helping the pink hooded girl stand and the boy with an orange hat.
"Boboiboy...Yaya...I think we got teleported into...the girls bathroom..." the girl wearing yellow colored clothes said, (na)Boboiboy was in shock as he quickly went out of the bathroom, (na)Yaya and (na)Ying laughed as they walk out with (na)Boboiboy. Meanwhile (na)Fang, (na)Gopal and (na)Ochobot walked out of the storage room, hearing a boy inside the other room they walk pass.
"Ehh!?! Boboiboy is going to eat Yaya's cookies!" (Na)Fang yelled, (na)Gopal turn to see a boy with a red hat with a fire symbol who had a heart shaped cookie and was about to eat it, (na)Gopal whose best friend insincts kicked in started to run and swiftly smacked the cookie out of the red hatted boy.
"Boboiboy watch out you could've poisoned yourself!" (Na)Gopal said, the red hatted boy only frowned before his eye brows furrowed in anger, the red hatted boy's eyes now were on fire.
"That was the last one! The last ONE!!!" the red hatted boy said as his hands bursted with fire.
"Can't someone atleast appreciate their bestfriend saving them, ey!? Boboiboy!??" (Na)Gopal said.
"Boboiboy calm down." (Na)Fang said stepping back a little from the heat.
"Boboiboy calm down you might burn the ship." (Na)Ochobot said.
'Where is your watch Boboiboy?' (Na)Ochobot thought to himself, the red hatted boy furrowed in frustration stomping down as he bursted in flames.
"I'm not Boboiboy!! I'm FIRE!!!" (A)Fire yelled in anger bursting in flames, the three stepped back from the intense heat.
"I will burn you!!!" (A)Fire yelled in frustration, the three felt like burning only from the far heat, (na)Fang couldn't see as he kneeled down, (na)Ochobot felt like over heating as he tried to cool his own system down, (na)Gopal started to cry and started pleading forgiveness, (a)Fire was slowly heating up the part he stood inside the ship. Not until (a)Water splashed cold water everywhere cooling almost everything down, (a)Fire didn't notice (a)Water, not until (a)Water touched his cheek, it started smoking.
"Eyy, (a)Lightning wanted me to give you something." (A)Water said, (a)Fire turned around to look at him frowning.
"(A)LIGHTNING!?!?" (A)Fire said as he saw (a)Water give a smirk at him.
"No, it was Dad." (A)Water said showing a pack of heart shaped cookies, (a)Fire's face lit up with joy grabbing the pack.
"Wah~! Thanks (a)Water!!!" (A)Fire said in joy, (a)Water turned into (a)Ice cooling the surrounding of (a)Fire with (na)Fang, (na)Gopal and (na)Ochobot. (A)Ice then turned into (a)Water without sweat.
"So what are you guys doing in this ship?" (A)Water said.
"We got tele--Mhp!?" (Na)Fangs mouth was covered by (na)Ochobot.
"We wanted to meet up with you Boboiboy!" (Na)Ochobot said.
"Ehh? I'm Water. Boboiboy is my dad." (A)Water said, (na)Gopal and (na)Fang were shocked at (a)Fire eating the cookies and in confusion at (a)Water, before (na)Gopal could say anything (na)Ochobot covered his mouth shushing him, (na)Fang somehow got the idea and just rolled his eyes keeping his mouth shut. (A)Fire ate the cookies in glee, (a)Water only gave a confused look.
"Well, can you tell who you two are? With explanation?" (Na)Fang said, the two gave eachother confused looks before shrugging, (a)Fire was now down eating as he threw the empty pack into a trash, (a)Water let him go first.
"Low-tier! Fire! Mid-tier! Blaze! The second youngest brother of the pack!!" (A)Fire said.
"Low-tier. Water. Mid-tier. Ice. The fourth and the middle child of the family." (A)Water said.
Meanwhile (na)Boboiboy, (na)Ying and (na)Yaya walked the long hallways inside the ship.
"I think (na)Ochobot might've teleported us without him knowing..." (na)Boboiboy said, (na)Ying placed a hand on her chin thinking, (na)Yaya crossed her arms as they all walked talking to eachother not until some speaker sounds were heard.
"ATTENTION! ALL SONS OF ELEMENTS REPORT TO THE TRAINING AREA NOW!" The (a)general said on the speaker, the three gave confused looks as they headed there.
"Is it today!?!" (A)Fire said.
"Hmm...I think so. Do you three fellow strangers wanna come? It's a first to see a power sphera that looks like survey commander Ochobot." (A)Water said walking beside (a)Fire, the three decided in a final that they would tag along. (A)Boboiboy sat beside the general on a bench inside the training area.
"Are you sure that I should do this? I don't wanna hurt them." (A)Boboiboy said.
"You promised them and you have sworn to yourself Boboiboy that you will never break promises." The (A)general said, (a)Boboiboy sighed in defeat as they waited. (A)Leaf, (a)Wind, (a)Lightning and (a)Light were walking their way to the training area not until (a)Wind had a fun idea.
"Last one there has to sit and watch the fight!!!" (A)Wind said loud enough for the three to hear as he dashed into his hoverboard after turning into his mid-tier level.
"Hahh...your all are gonna lose...lightning speed..!" (A)Lightning said as he dashed off, (a)Leaf and (a)Light looked at eachother before they fistbumped and started running woth smiles. Meanwhile (na)Boboiboy, (na)Ying and (na)Yaya were almost at the training area but stopped when they could hear faint childish laughing behind them, then they saw (a)Lightning riding on (a)Cyclone's hoverboard not looking infront of the three they all crash with a loud thud, (a)Leaf and (a)Light worried when they heard a loud crash to see (a)Lightning and (a)Wind who crashed unto three fellow people.
"Pff-hahahahahahahahahahah!!!" (A)Leaf and (a)Light laughed as they helped the ones who crashed into eachother stand. (Na)Boboiboy, (na)Yaya and (na)Ying looked at the four boys who were arguing in pairs, (na)Yaya looked with eyes wide in shock and confusion, but so did (na)Ying and (na)Boboiboy who watched.
"Boboiboy! Ying! Yaya! Are you three ok!?" (Na)Ochobot said as he floated faster to the three who dusted themselves after the crash, (na)Gopal and (na)Fang were running behind (na)Ochobot as (a)Fire and (a)Water talked to eachother behind. (Na)Boboiboy felt relieved to see (na)Ochobot to be ok, suddenly all the sons of elements got strucked with a realization, all of the son's of elements turned to look at six fellow strangers and stared for a bit until the six of the strangers noticed all of them staring at them. Suddenly laughing was heard.
"Bahahaha! Uncle Gopal looks so fat!" (A)Fire said making his brothers laugh, the strangers were dumbfounded.
"Oy! I'm not your uncle! What is going on with you Boboiboy!?" (Na)Gopal said, all the sons of the elements gave a confused look saying 'eh'.
"Did he just call brother (a)Fire our dad?" (A)Wind said and all his brothers started to laugh again.
"What's going on- woah..." (a)Ochobot said looking at the six strangers.
"Survey commander I let spies in." (A)Water said everyone was in utter shock.
"SPIES!!? BOBOIBOY!!!" (A)Ochobot yelled, (a)Water and (a)Fire laughed high fiving.
"Sorry, sorry. They're not spies. They came out of nowhere." (A)Water said. They could hear footsteps getting louder, everybody turn around to see a man running.
"What's up!?? Ehh?? Two Ochobots!?!" (A)Boboiboy yelled looking back and forth at the two power spheras in confusion.
"Time travelling!!?" (Na)Ying said.
" time travelling!?? More like universe travelling!! I'm so confused!!!" (Na)Gopal yelled.
"Oh! It seems you unlocked some sort of power Ochobot!" (A)Light said.
"I see. Well i'm happy you can tell us two apart." (A)Ochobot said.
"Sure~~" (a)light said smirking while rolling his eyes, his brothers giggled high fiving and fist bumping eachother, (a)Boboiboy smiled crossing his arms.
"Boys~? You shouldn't do that." (A)Boboiboy said, his sons snirked avoiding eyecontacts.
"Oh boy, what did they do again?" (A)Ochobot said, (a)Boboiboy raised a brow reaching his empty hand out on (a)Ochobot's back taking a tiny 'i'm a baby' sticker out his back.
"Light!!" (A)Ochobot yelled as he got another sticker placed to him.
"How are we gonna tell you two apart if you have no difference?" (A)Light said, (a)Ochobot sighed as he got a new tiny 'i'm a baby' sticker, his brothers held their laughter as they watched.
"Huh, he really looks like me when I was fourteen." (A)Boboiboy said looking at his younger self.
"Who are they Survey commander?" (A)Boboiboy said.
"They're...uhh..." (a)Ochobot stuttered looking at (a)Boboiboy.
"Aliens." (Na)Ochobot said, (a)Boboiboy shrugged it off as he examined everyone of them, everyone was in a tight situation as (a)Boboibot stared.
"Alright, boy's lets go. Oh before that what were your bet on me again? Sorry I forgot." (A)Boboiboy said.
"Ya-ay cookies!!!" All the son's of elements said in joy, well except (a)lightning and (a)light.
"Alright then. Hey! Err...(a)Ochobot's I think you teo might need the time to find a way to open up the portal like thing? These five young...TAPOPS members can come with us for now while they wait." (A)Boboiboy said, (a)Ochobot agreed as he floated with his other self. (A)Boboiboy leaded the way to the training area to be met with the (a)general who stood waiting for them, he then confusingly eyed the five strange teenagers beside the son's of elements.
"(A)Boboiboy, who are these five earthlings beside you?"the (a)general said.
"Earthlings? Do you mean aliens?" (A)Boboiboy said.
"Sorry but. We are infact humans not aliens. Well except for me ofcourse." (Na)Fang said.
"Oh~ I get it. Ok. These five TAPOPS members are from another universe, Ochobot is trying to find a way go open up the portal again, so for now they will have to stay for a while." (A)Boboiboy said, the (a)general nodded.
"Come with me if you don't want to be part of the spar training." The (a)general said as he made his way into stairs that leaded up to the control station of the training area.
"Alright then i'll go with you!" (Na)Gopal said, running to the general, the other four looked at him dumbfounded as they walked instead of run, (a)Light nudged (a)Lightning's arm smirking, (a)Lightning raised a brow, he felt annoyed but was up for a good challenge.
"What? You think those five TAPOPS member are weak? I mean they are." (A)Lightning said and instantly he got yelled at.
"WHO ARE YOU CALLING WEAK!!?" (Na)Yaya yelled.
"YOU THINK WE CAN'T PUT UP A FIGHT HUH!!?" (Na)Gopal yelled.
"WELL SHOW YOU SPOILED BOYS WHAT WE CAN DO!!!" (Na)Ying yelled, (na)Fang and (na)Boboiboy were mad but didn't yell but glared gritting their teeth.
"A challenge? I suppose you boy's are up for a good challenge." (A)Boboiboy said.
"A challenge!!?" All the sons of elements except for (a)Light and (a)Lightning yelled in excitement.
"Higher bet!!!" (A)Leaf yelled, his dad agreed making all his brother smile in glee, (a)Light and (a)Lightning secretly fistbumped smiling.
"Alright! Here are the rules for the five earthlings to know!" The (a)general said in the microphone as (a)Boboiboy sat beside him.
"I will release a thick fog, you will not attack until the smoke had cleared out! For that you will all be in battle stances or create a plan while you have the small chance! You are not allowed to kill eachother! Remember you will only fight not kill! For that I will now release the thick fog! Battle stances now!" The (a)general then released the thick fog on the battle ground with excitement as he smiled.
"I haven't seen you smile like that in ages, what is it?" (A)Boboiboy said, the (a)general chuckled.
"I get to see something incredible again...they have those watches that could give power, i'm sure of it!" The (a)general said, sooner (na)Fang, (na)Gopal, (na)Yaya, (na)Ying and (na)Boboiboy were in battle stances as the thick fog slowly went sideways clearing the field to fight in, there stood only (a)thunderstorm without his brothers.
"EHH!?? Is he the only one whose gonna fight us!!? Are you serious!?!" (Na)Gopal said as his guard was going down with arms crossed.
"Bahahahahahahh!!! You expect us to loose to you!!? Hahahahahahaha!!!!" (Na)Fang said laughing, (a)Thunderstorm didn't move, secretly did they not know vines were creeping towards them underground, (na)Fang kept on laughing with Gopal teasing him of how Thunderstorm will destroy the five of them, he really found it very funny with their guard drastically going down.
"Fire balls!" (A)Thunderstorm said loud enough for the others to hear, fireballs suddenly appeared behind (a)Thunderstorm making everyone shocked.
"How can he create fire when he is supposed to be Thunder!!?" (Na)Boboiboy yelled in confusion, little did they not know it was the others behind a tree hiding, (a)Fire and his brothers were holding they're laughter as they were listening secretly at them, (a)Thunderstorm smirked as he knew how to keep his laughter in. Their guard slowly went up as they look at Thunderstorm in shock and confusion, soon enough (a)Boboiboy forgot to tell them something, he quickly reached the microphone and spoke.
"Hang on, I forgot to tell you boys something. (A)Thunderstorm and (a)Fire don't burn them to ashes, (a)Wind no strong hurricanes, (a)Leaf don't tie them up with a knot, (a)Light don't make them blind accidentally and (a)Water don't drown them by accidentally aswell." (A)Boboiboy said then went back to his seat, the five listened and were in shock not knowing the vine slowly wrapping on both their feet they all yelped in shock as they all hanged upside down.
"Tag! I won!" (A)Leaf said jumping of the tree with paralyzing leaf shurikens as he threw it at them.
"Shadow wall!!!" (Na)Fang yelled, quick enough to block the shurikens that was headed their way, they all quickly struggle to free themselves after getting defended, (a)Water and (a)Fire quickly turned to they're mid-tier level as they both ran out of they're hiding spot.
"Some people need to cool down~!" (A)Ice said on the right side wearing shades.
"No way! They need to warm up!!!" (A)Blaze said on the left side wearing shades.
"Shades!??" (Na)Yaya said.
"Solar beam!" (A)Solar said pointing two fingers down on them while riding on (a)Cyclone's hover board, light flashed as the five TAPOPS heroes covered they're eyes.
"Urgh! So bright!!" (Na)Boboiboy said trying hard to cover his eyes, suddenly he felt something sting.
"Volcanic eruption!" (A)Blaze yelled.
"Monstrous Iceberg!" (A)Ice yelled. A loud explosion could be visible, (a)Boboiboy was taking a nap while the (a)general was amused. The five were now on the ground unconcious, the sons of elements circled around them as they waited patiently, suddenly (na)Fang awoke and quickly attacked with shadow fingers chocking (a)Leaf who squeeled in shock, (na)Fang was very mad.
"Thunder blade!" (A)Lightning yelled cutting the shadow like hands, (a)Light quickly went to (a)Leaf who was coughing and gasping for air.
"Dude!? We won already!!!" (A)Fire said, as (na)Fang knelt down in disappoinment to his self.
"How could I have been beaten..!?" (Na)Fang said as tears threatened to fall, then a other four finally awoke, but (na)Boboiboy was somehow angry.
"Weak!? WEAK!!? I'll show you weak!!" (Na)Boboiboy quickly stood up changing his element into Fire, (a)Boboiboy and the (a)general were stunned, the sons of the elements were stunned.
"Wah~! It's me!" (A)Fire said in joy, (a)Water smirked placing a hand in his chin as he looked up at (na)Fire Boboiboy.
"Hey (a)fire~ why don't you say hi to your real twin?" (A)Water said, (a)Fire's face wis lit up in excitement as he looked back up at (na)Fire Boboiboy who gritted his teeth.
"Fire balls!" (Na)Fire Boboiboy said as fireballs appeared behind him ready for aiming, (a)Fire went into his very common playful battle stance as he looked up to the fireballs heading his way, his brothers slowly led the other four into the tree shade as they watched, (a)Fire swiftly and playfully kicked every fireball back to him like playing soccer, (na)Fire Boboiboy got even more mad.
"Oh yeah! Take this!!! Hyah!!!" (Na)Fire Boboiboy yelled as more fireballs were aimed, but (a)Fire still playfully kicked them back to him.
"Again! Again! Let's play again! C'mon!" (A)Fire was happily hopping sideways as (na)Fire Boboiboy bursted into flames, he really was very angry now.
"Enough is enough! I said only fight! Not kill eachother! And you would call yourself a hero!?? Me and Boboiboy will discuss matters no one better be dead!" The (a)general yelled in the microphone making (na)Fire Boboiboy disappear giving off a falling (na)Boboiboy, (a)Wind quickly changed mid-tier running fast, (a)Cyclone hopped into his hoverboard catching the orange hatted boy.
"That was fun!!!" (A)Fire yelped happily while smiling, (a)Cyclone layed an unconcious boy to the tree shade as his friends went to him trying to wake him up.
"Boboiboy!?? Boboiboy!!?" His friends called out to him, but he wouldn't budge.
"Wow, it looks more like us waking up (a)Water." (A)Leaf said making his brothers except (a)Water who was sleeping in a water sphere laugh, (a)Fire ran to the group who was waking up the unconcious boy while smiling, (a)lightning walked up to them as they all felt like giving up on waking up the boy.
"Hey! Do something, my best friend wont wake up!" (Na)Gopal said looking at (a)Fire and (a)Lightning, (a)Lightning ofcourse didn't listen and sat beside the unconcious boy, he placed two fingers by the neck checking the pulse.
"Hes dead." (A)Light said as he looked at (a)Lightning who raised a brow, (a)Lightning looks at the four who were shocked and felt sad wanting to cry, especially the two girls and (na)Gopal, (a)Light kneeled down looking at the boy then to (a)Lightning who was frustrated.
"Earth to the four of you I was joking." (A)Light said snapping hid fingers while looking at (a)Lightning.
"You want me to wake him up faster do you?" (A)Lightning said, (a)Light nodded as the girls quickly nodded in agreement aswell.
"I'm not electricuting him (a)Fire." (A)Lightning said with a sly smirk.
"Wha--!?? I---i wasn't thinking of that!!" (A)Fire said stuttering.
"Right~" (a)Light said squinting his eyes at (a)Fire, (a)Fire felt guilty while avoiding eye contact, (a)Lighting rolled his eyes reaching out to his pocket taking out a Ya-ay cookie pack, (a)Lightning then took out a heart-shaped biscuit that looked familiar to the girls.
"Eh!? Are those my cookies!??" (Na)Yaya said in joy.
"Are you going to poison him TOH!!?" (Na)Ying said, making (a)Lightning, (a)Fire and (alLight confused.
"That cookie brand is known in the whole galaxy. Just how is he gonna get poisoned??" (A)Light said, the four gave looks of suspicioun and confusion but at the same time curiosity as to why, but (na)Yaya was happy though, (a)Lightning opened the boy's mouth feeding him a cookie.
"Do you think that's gonna work?" (A)Fire said. Sooner (a)Leaf, (a)Cyclone and (a)Water came up to them and watched in curiosity.
"If that doesn't work you electricute him. Whose with me?" (A)Light said raising his hand, all his brothers except (a)Lightning ofcourse raised their hand, Lightning rolled his eyes in agreement as they all waited, until a groan was heard, the boy chewed on the cookie and his eyes widened.
"Are you ok Boboiboy!? How does it taste!!? Do you need water!??" (Na)Fang said as (na)Boboiboy sat up still chewing on the biscuit, (na)Boboiboy's eyes lit up.
"IT'S SOOOOO GOOOOD!!!" (Na)Boboiboy said touching his cheeks, (a)Lightning smirked in victory as his brothers frowned in defeat.
"Huh!? Really!?" (Na)Ying said, (na)Boboiboy nodded.
"But what did I eat anyway?" (Na)Boboiboy said placing a hand on his chin.
"Mom's food." (A)Fire said eating a biscuit.
"Your mom's here?" (Na)Boboiboy said.
"Dad said that she's coming toda--oh nevermind." (A)Water was cut off to a dark portal appearing behind (na)Boboiboy.
"It's time to say goodbye. Dad, Mom, uncles and aunt." Lightning said with a toothy grin as the Boboiboy and his friends were signaled to walk in by a familiar robotic hand. The five waved goodbye in confusion as they entered the portal.
"Wanna play?" (A)Wind said as his brothers smirked mischiviously with him......

boboiboy AU Oneshots
FanfictionDISCONTINUED this book will contain stories mostly one shots and some truth or dares and a small bit of yaoi... If your into the truth or dare just leave em down in the comments... If your into one shots comment 'gun.'...