The young boys under the ship were in shock looking at the girl who was also looking at them in shock.
"Woah~! She looks like a mini version of aunt Ying!" Leaf cheered pointing at Ying who got confused.
Soon Boboiboy was able to catch up on Fang, Gopal and Yaya who were still running.
"Hey, wheres Ying?" Boboiboy asked while running behind them.
"Ehh? Boboiboy!? We thought you already went ahead and might've been in trouble, where were you?!?" Yaya yelped in distress.
"I uhh-- I got distracted of somebody who was in need of help!" Boboiboy lied.
Everyone believed it for now as they continued to run.
"Wow~ her name is also Ying, she really is a mini version of aunt Ying!!" Wind said with Fire and Leaf looking at her in awe.
'Aunt Ying?? Why does that sound like their from the future?? No way that they could be future children!!' Ying thought looking back and forth to the boys infront of him.
Water snored under the shade.
Lightning and Light discussed a few things with eachother while keeping an eye on their three younger brothers.
"H-Hi, what're your names?" Ying soon had the courage to ask as she looked at the young boys infront of him.
"I'm Leaf/Thorn! The youngest!" Leaf said.
"I'm Wind/Cyclone! The third youngest or the young middle!" Wind said.
"And i'm Fire/Blaze! The second youngest!" Fire said.
Ying took the time to gather the information before she was pushed by the three trouble makers towards the older and more sensible ones.
"Lightning/Thunderstorm and Light/Solar! Meet Ying! Ying meet Lightning second oldest and Light First oldest." Cyclone introduced Ying.
Both Lightning and Light raised their hand for a hand shake which Ying respectfully taking it.
Ying soon noticed somebody snoring and glanced behind the two, he saw Water.
"Oh, that's water/Ice. The third oldest or the older middle." Fire said while pointing at Water who was still napping.
"Oh then is this your space ship?" Ying asked looking up.
"No, dad said we can't drive a ship or even keep one until we're nineteen." Leaf said, sitting beside Water.
Ying had a few more minutes to get to know the boys that were resting on the shade. It was like the time consumption of getting to another place slowed down.
Fang was the first to witness the scene getting all the young boys and Ying's attention towards him.
Fire gasped, a smile in his face as he looked and started to point at Fang. All Fang could think of was that he was a fan of him as he proudly smirked.
"It's a mini version of uncle Fang!!" Fire exclaimed.
Gopal and Yaya soon stepped in standing beside Fang who was in utter shock.
"A mini version of uncle Gopal!!" Wind said.
But what really caught all the young boys attention making them all gasp was Yaya.
"And mom!?!" They all exclaimed at the same time.
Ying had a devious smirk, that she quickly covered.
Yaya felt very confused and a bit flustered as she looked at all the young boys who resembled Boboiboy.
"What's wrong guys?? Eh?! It's you!!! The one who ran away!!" Boboiboy said, pointing at Lightning who felt a bit awkward around the boys presence.

boboiboy AU Oneshots
FanfictionDISCONTINUED this book will contain stories mostly one shots and some truth or dares and a small bit of yaoi... If your into the truth or dare just leave em down in the comments... If your into one shots comment 'gun.'...