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"What am I-we doing here?" Emily's eyes still flinched towards a sound made by a passing bug or person. She had been taken to a tent made of leaves and sticks. A man that they nicknamed the "Healer" was mending the sprain in her left ankle.                                                             "I'm Adam. What's your name, again?" he said, clearly changing the subject.                             "Emily." She stated and heard the viciousness in her tongue. The smile, that once faintly illuminated his features, vanished and a look of indifference replaced it.                             "Sorry-" She muttered, but he cut her off.                                                                                                       "Your ankle is better. Drink this when or if it hurts you and you should be good." He handed her a small vial, filled with dark blue liquid. He began to smile, but then stopped as if he remembered that she didn't deserve it or something.                                                               "Thanks." As she stood up to leave, she heard shouts and gasps from outside. If Adam hadn't been serious before, he was now. He cocked his head in surprise when someone suddenly burst into the tent, a young girl. She had smoothe dark skin, curly black hair, and the most beautiful scarlet eyes. She hadn't noticed how simple Adam looked with his light pale skin, green eyes and brown, scruffy hair, until someone so stunning stood next to him.                           "There's a new one." She panted, hands on her knees. Their eyes met in a small unspoken conversation and finished with a nod. They rushed out, the flaps of the tent whipped furiously when they ran, and Emily was at their heels. They arrived quickly, it was the exact location where she had woken up. Emily's mind gave her a flash of the lab that the scientists had taken her to.

She woke up in a chair, she wondered if it had all been a dream, and she was back at her dad's house, but straps bounded her to the metal-enclosed chair. She was angry, but couldn't use her magic. A small man with thick glasses neared her with a note pad. He never spoke, just walked around, occasionally taking notes and ticking his pen fervently. She sat in a small room, too small for it to echo she noticed. A large mirror was placed on the wall in front of her, she knew what it was, she had seen a few cop dramas growing up, but that's not what gave it away. She could hear the faint speaking behind it. Maybe the walls weren't thick enough, maybe it was her magic still fighting by her side. If I focus enough, she thought, I could see who is behind. So she tried. Soon enough, she noticed the silhouettes of people, then she noticed faces. Everyone had the same dead look in their faces as if they'll never be happy again. All except one young man, he still had that young fire burning bright. She wondered what he was doing there. His blue eyes were sad, his light brown hair looked like if it hadn't been combed in a while. His most stunning trait was his freckles, spattered across his face like stars in a galaxy. But then she heard the notes man speaking, and she lost the sight. She then felt exhausted, unable to stay awake, and passed out. 

A small circle formed around who she assumed was the "new one". He was a twenty-something-year-old man, he had short jet black hair. He laid on his back, unconscious. His black tank top was ripped in various locations, with blood gushing out from many deep slashes in his arms and stomach. His breath seemed unnatural, almost forced. Adam was talking to the man that had spoken to her when she had arrived in low whispers. "Who is Adam speaking to?" she asked the young girl that she followed.                                                                                                         "That's Charles, he was the first one to get here. kinda runs the place," she explained. "I'm Kenna by the way." Emily was going to answer, but Adam had bolted toward the person on the floor. He began to perform his magic, but Charles yelled at him.

"Adam, it isn't safe!" He began to walk towards him but stopped abruptly,

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